Agenda item

3.30pm -5.30pm Afternoon Tea Informal Surgery



  • Swap Shop – bring along your unwanted plants, clothing, toys, books and accessories and go home with swapped items knowing you have helped with recycling in your ward.  

(No electrical items or large furnishings please)

  • Local Improvement Schemes – find out which schemes will be supported from the 2011/12 ward committee budget.
  • Your chance to speak to or have your say with your ward councillors, street environment officer, safer neighbourhood police team, neighbourhood management officer, Sara Harbord from Christians Against Poverty debt counselling service and many other organisations. 


1.1       Residents had the opportunity to:

  • chat informally to Councillors Potter, Funnell and Boyce, Claire Taylor (Neighbourhood Management Unit), PCSO Mark Jackson and Angus Young (Street Environment Officer). 
  • find out information about many organisations that carry out work in the ward, including Christians Against Poverty, NHS Foundation Trust, St Nicholas Fields, Safe and Sound Homes, York & District Mind, The Avenue Children’s, York and North Yorkshire Probation Trust and York St John Community Co-ordinators. 
  • participate in the swap shop event.


1.2       Cllr Ruth Potter formally invited residents to make any comments on the provisional list of local improvement schemes for 2011/12 (below).  No comments were noted.




Scheme Suggestion


A Safer, Cleaner Environment


A grant to '20's plenty for York road safety campaign for 20mph residential road speeds. 



Funding for additional salt bins across the ward.


A greener environment


A grant to Sustrans for a part time warden to keep the Foss Islands Derwent Valley Railway cycle route clear of debris and undertake minor repairs for the benefit of all users.



A grant to Friends of St Nicholas Fields to enable the group to purchase and hire a range of equipment for use in managing the nature reserve and also to provide training for the volunteers on how to use the equipment.



A grant to York Rotters to run five sessions of 'Grow Your Own in a small space' - a two hour training session on how to grow your own fruit and vegetables in a small space.


Caring for people in our community


A grant to Age Concern York to fund room hire for sessions of their Simple Nail Cutting Service for elderly people which would be provide at community venues throughout the ward.



A grant to Active York for the 'Fund for the Gifted' scheme that helps talented young people and their families with the cost of training, travel and equipment.



A grant to Bell Farm Adventure Playground for their summer playscheme which facilitates children's play activities and trips for the children and their families.



A grant to York Youth Council to help fund the set up of a city centre youth café where young people can hang out and find information on issues affecting them.



A grant to Safe and Sound Homes to fund salaries at York Nightstop, a project which provides emergency accommodation to young people



A grant to Older Citizens Advocacy York (OCAY) to support ongoing advocacy work for older residents in the ward and to enable them to offer outreach sessions.



A grant to Street Sport York to fund ten 2 hour street sport sessions throughout the ward such as a mobile skate park and a climbing tower.



A grant to York and District Citizens Advice Bureau to provide an outreach service in the ward on a fortnightly basis equivalent to that provided in the Blossom Street office.



A grant to York Playspace to support the continued work at Tang Hall and 68 Centre Chill Out Zones. 



A grant to York Carers Centre to hold outreach sessions in venues around the ward to support carers in the community by providing activities for them to meet and engage in social activities, access information and support and discuss their long term local needs.



Funding for ten mobile play sessions at various locations in the ward over the summer.  The sessions run by York Playspace are for children aged 5-13 years.



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