Agenda item

Taxi Licensing Policy Review - Interim Report

This report presents information gathered in support of this review and asks Members to agree details for carrying out consultation on the issues identified within the report and identify any further information required in support of this review.


Members received a report that presented information gathered in support of the Taxi Licensing Policy review.  Members were asked to agree details for carrying out consultation on the issues identified within the report and to identify any further information required in support of the review.


(i)            Position in other Authorities


Members considered the comparative data that had been provided regarding other local authorities.  Members asked if information was available as to why some authorities that had de-regulated had later reversed this decision.  Officers stated that they did not have information relating to specific authorities but in general this was likely to be because of over provision and the associated problems that this caused.  In the majority of cases where authorities had de-regulated, the number of vehicles eventually found its own level.


(ii)            Consultees


Consideration was given as to who should be consulted as part of the review.  Members agreed that consultation should take place with the following:

·        Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licence Proprietors (via trade organisation)

·        Taxi and Private Hire Drivers (via trade organisation)

·        Private Hire Operators (via trade organisation)

·        People on waiting list for a hackney vehicle licence (a sample of 10 applicants)

·        Access Groups

·        CYC Highways officers

·        CYC Licensing Unit officers

·        CYC Legal officers

·        North Yorkshire Police

·        Dean Court Hotel Duncombe Place

·        Management Committee of the apartments in Duncombe Place

·        Visit York

·        Chamber of Commerce

·        Rail Operator


(iii)       Methods of Consultation


Members gave consideration as to the most effective way of consultation.  The following arrangements were agreed:

·        A questionnaire would be circulated to the consultees with a deadline date that enabled the responses to be considered at the meeting scheduled for 19 January 2011.

·        Copies of the report would be made available to consultees.

·        Consultees would be offered the opportunity to meet with the Task Group at the next meeting should they so wish.

·        Consideration was given to the content of the questionnaire.  The draft questions were agreed and it was decided that the wording would be finalised by officers and emailed to Members for final approval. 

·        Officers were requested to work with the Communications Team to ascertain ways in which members of the public could be made aware of the survey and invited to take part, including making the survey available to complete on-line on the council’s website if possible.


(iv)       Air Quality


Members agreed that more information was required on the effects of cleaner taxis on air quality, having regard to their journey type and heavy presence in the city centre.


Attention was drawn to the Mayor of London’s Air Quality Strategy that included a number of measures aimed at cleaning up taxis.  Details were available on


Members requested that further information be provided at the next meeting on the costs of different types of low emission vehicles and operating costs.


RESOLVED:(i) That the questionnaire be circulated to the agreed



(ii)That the following information be provided for consideration at the next meeting:

·        Responses to questionnaire

·        More detailed information on the effects of cleaner taxis on air quality.

·        Costs of different types of low emission vehicles and the operating costs.


REASON:To ensure compliance with scrutiny procedures, protocols and workplans.

Supporting documents:


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