Agenda item

The Glen Nursery, Ousecliffe Gardens, York. YO30 6LX (10/02544/FUL)

This is a revised application for a single storey rear extension, 2 no. additional car parking spaces and replacement cycle shelter and storage units. This application was previously refused by the Committee on 14 October 2010. [Clifton]


Members considered a general regulation application from Adults, Children and Education for a single storey side extension, two additional numbered parking spaces, a replacement cycle shelter and storage units.


Officers circulated letters of objection to the application, from local residents. These letters were attached to the agenda which was republished following the meeting.


In their update, Officers reported that the objections from residents related to concerns over access, noise and light pollution. In addition there had been concerns over the size of the steel storage sheds for the building. Officers confirmed that the steel sheds would be the same size as the current wooden sheds that would be replaced.


Representations were heard from a neighbour in objection to the application. He pointed out that the application had been previously refused by the Committee, and that one of the reasons for refusal given was due to the arrangement of the windows. He added that the windows had not been altered and that the root system of the trees on the site would be detrimentally affected by construction, if the application was approved.


Further representations in objection, were received from a representative of the residents of Ousecliffe Gardens. He reported that the main concern from residents were related to traffic generated from construction vehicles, in an area which had many existing traffic problems, and a bad road surface which had compounded these problems.


Representations were heard from the applicant who informed Members about the use of the building and that there would not be an increase in the number of bedrooms inside the building. He added that a traffic management plan would be put in place if the application was approved. Members were informed that the foundations of the building would be on mini piles to avoid tree roots, and that the slate roof had been redesigned to be in keeping with other adjacent properties.


Members asked about the necessity for the centre, given that other providers had been granted planning permission for providing facilities for disabled children in the city. Officers confirmed that it would be unlikely that similar services and facilities to those being offered would be provided elsewhere. Members also asked on whether the Council would be obliged replace any trees that would be killed in construction of the extension. This was confirmed by Officers.


During their discussion Members noted that if they were minded to approve the application, it would be appropriate to add a condition to permission to limit deliveries to between 09:00 hours and 15:00 hours.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved, subject to conditions listed in the Officer’s report and the additional condition listed below;


(i)                 The development shall not begin until a management plan for the control of traffic during construction has been submitted to the local planning authority and approved in writing. The management plan shall include maximum size/weight of construction and delivery vehicles and hours of delivery of materials, plant and machinery (which shall be restricted to 0900-1500 hours Monday to Friday, 0900-1200 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays or bank holidays). The management plan shall be implemented in full to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.


REASON: In the interests of highway safety and residential amenity.



REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to;



Provision of community facilities

Impact on trees

Highway issues

Neighbour amenity

Impact on the adjacent listed building


As such the proposal complies with policies GP1, C1, NE1 and HE2 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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