Agenda item

24 Hull Road, York, YO10 3JG (10/01521/FUL)

The application is for the change of use of a dwelling to an office use. The application also includes alterations to the access and a parking area. [Fishergate] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application from Mr Robert MacMahon for the change of use from a dwelling to an office use. This included alterations to access and parking.


Officers circulated an update to Members during the meeting. This was then attached to the agenda and republished after the meeting. The update included clarification of the marketing of the property, the staffing levels and the use of the parking area. Officers also suggested, that if Members were minded to approve the application, that an additional condition could be added regarding screening along the rear boundary of the property.


Representations were heard from a representative of a local neighbour. He stated that the neighbour was opposed to the application due to the change of use of the building. He felt that the noise and visual impact created by the proposed use could be detrimental to neighbouring properties and pointed out that there was on street parking close to the property despite some restrictions. He also pointed out the restricted visibility for vehicles at the access to the property.


Representations were heard from a representative of Osbaldwick Parish Council. He stated that he was opposed to the application due to the continued loss of family homes in the area, particularly to create student lets.


Representations in support of the application were heard from the applicant. In response to questions, he stated that he felt that a commercial use for the building was a more suitable development for the property. He explained that one prospective purchaser had not been able to secure a mortgage due to the proximity of the filling station. Another had withdrawn their interest, and the property remained unsold even after six months of marketing. Members were informed that the minibuses, which would be used by the business, would not operate outside of the student letting periods, generally a six week period in January and early February. He stated that he was happy to accept an additional condition relating to the screening on the rear boundary, if Members were minded to approve the application.


Members asked the applicant a number of questions relating to when he purchased the property, internal alterations to the building, signage, and the possible relocation of parking space for the minibuses.


The applicant responded that the property had been purchased in June 2010, and that there would no internal alterations made to the property. In response to a question of parking for the minibuses attached to the business, the applicant responded that they had been discouraged from parking on the University campus. He further indicated that any signage would be discreet in nature, similar to the dentists surgery a short distance away on Hull Road. Officers confirmed that separate consent may be needed for any advertisements at the property, depending on the size and location etc.


Members agreed that if the application were approved, it would result in a loss of  family housing in the city. They added that they felt that it had not been marketed for a suitable amount of time or at the most advantageous time of year.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  The proposal would involve the loss of a three bedroom dwelling. It is considered that the conversion of the dwelling to office use would have an unacceptable impact upon the existing and future housing stock within the City of York, in particular having regard to the shortage of family houses within the city. The proposal is, therefore, considered to conflict with Policy H9 of the City of York Council Development Control Local Plan which seeks to retain an adequate supply of family housing stock, as supported by the Council`s Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2007 and national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 3 "Housing".

Supporting documents:


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