Agenda item

Update Report Re: Outstanding Scrutiny Reviews for Completion (30 minutes)

This report updates Members on progress with the completion of outstanding scrutiny reviews and presents the draft final report of the Planning Guidance and Sustainable Development Scrutiny Sub-Committee for their consideration.


Members received a report which updated them on progress with regard to the completion of outstanding scrutiny reviews and presented the draft final report of the Planning Guidance and Sustainable Development Scrutiny Sub-Committee for their consideration.


A revised version of the above draft final report, with corrections of typographical errors, had been circulated to Members.  A briefing note on the implications of the draft report for Building Control staffing levels was tabled at the meeting.


Members then made the following comments on the report as currently drafted:


  • Simplify the language and structure of the report to ensure it is user friendly;
  • Clarify the context of the work in relation to the Local Plan and in particular to Special Planning Guidance


Members then discussed progress relating to the outstanding reviews in some detail with a view to being in a position at the next meeting to clarify exactly what work remained to be done.


RESOLVED:(i) That the completion of the work of the former Environment & Sustainability Scrutiny Board relating to ‘sustainable street lighting’ be noted and any recommendations agreed by the Executive in due course be scheduled for monitoring;


                        (ii) That the request of the Ad-Hoc Housing Scrutiny Sub-Committee to extend its work on the Housing topic Reducing Carbon Emissions in York’s Housing, with a view to completing the review for report back to Scrutiny Management Committee at its September meeting, be agreed;


                        (iii) That a revised draft final report in relation to the review on ‘Guidance on Sustainable Development’ be submitted to the October meeting of the Committee, as indicated above;


                        (iv) That a further report be received at the next meeting in relation to progress with the former Commercial Services Board review on community recycling and re-use in York, giving, at least, a clear indication of the residual work involved to complete the review.


REASON;To facilitate proper completion of the work of the former Boards (Planning & Transport, Housing and Commercial Services) and provide realistic timescales for consultation on any proposed recommendations.

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