Agenda item

A19 Fulford Road Corridor Improvements

This report reviews the improvement measures undertaken on the A19 Fulford Road corridor, which have generally been well received, but with one significant exception. The report also identifies additional measures that may be required to address other issues identified in the review.


Option 1 - Retain the existing scheme with minor amendments which in effect would be a few additional lane arrows to highlight correct lane usage.

Option 2 - To remove the bus lane and revert back to the previous layout whilst retaining the new northbound cycle lane as shown on the plan in Annex A.

Option 2A -  Similar to Option 2 but with an additional pedestrian refuge island crossing, primarily to cater for crossing movements between the barracks and the supermarkets.

Option 3 - To remove the bus lane and to reallocate the available road space to extend the southbound on-road cycle lane as shown on the plan in Annex C.       

Option 3A - Similar to Option 3 but with continuous cycle lanes in both directions as shown on the plan in Annex D.

A further variation on Option 3 and Option 3A would be to provide an additional pedestrian refuge island, as discussed under Option 2A above. 

RESOLVED:            That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

i)Note the contents of this report and its annexes.

ii)Implement Option 3A as detailed in the report.

iii)Extend the shared-use facility on the eastern side to the Heslington Lane junction.

iv)Implement At Any Time waiting restrictions on Moorland Road, Derwent Road and St Oswald’s Road in the vicinity of the crossing points.

v)Advertise any traffic orders associated with the proposed improvements and, subject to no objections being received, the order(s) be made.  Any unresolved objections to be referred to the Executive Member for consideration.

vi)Carry out further consultation as appropriate on the above in discussion with the Executive Member and respective ward councillors, and for any contentious issues to be referred back to the Executive Member for consideration.

REASON:                  To address safety issues and improve conditions on these parts of the Fulford Road corridor.


The Executive Member considered a report, which reviewed the improvements undertaken in the following areas on the A19 Fulford Road Corridor:

  • Cemetery Road, Hospital Fields Road, Broadway and Heslington Lane junctions -Traffic monitoring cameras and Hospital Fields Road, Broadway and Heslington Lane junctions - new traffic signal controllers and signals
  • Cemetery Road and Heslington Lane, pedestrian crossing facilities, on-road cycle lane and shared use off road facilities, bus lanes and retention of key parking facilities.
  • Fulford Main Street -provision of a pedestrian refuge island crossing
  • Selby Road northbound bus lane
  • Naburn -gateways on the B1222


It was reported that the improvement measures had generally been well received other than for one exception. Concerns had been raised about the safety of the section of Fulford Road between Hospital Fields Road and Fulford Cross and as a number of people had called for the removal of the recently installed bus lane.


Officers reported receipt of late representations from Cllr K Aspden and Fulford Parish Council who indicated their support for the recommendations and Option 3A. Cllr Merrett, as Cycling Champion, had also confirmed his support for Option 3A and had asked if Officers could examine the widening of the road, adjacent to the refuge island into the verge, without any significant costs.


The Executive Member referred to six additional representations he had received from the Ward Member, local residents and the CTC since the deadline for representations, which he confirmed he had read.


Councillor D Taylor, as one of the Local Members, referred to the comprehensive Officers report detailing the improvement measures undertaken in the area and to their attendance at a number of Ward Committee meetings. He confirmed that both Local Members supported the majority of improvements made on the corridor which had benefited all users. However he pointed out that the puffin crossing was confusing and that the adjacent viewing panel, which confirmed whether it was safe to cross, could easily be obscured. He questioned whether a high level panel could be added similar to that provided at the Blossom Street crossing. He went onto refer to serious concerns regarding a number of issues set out in paragraph 35 of the report and to several near misses owing to the layout. He concluded by confirming that Options 2/3 or 3A or a variation of these would be acceptable to local residents. He also requested that further consideration should be given to the provision of an additional pedestrian refuge at a later date


Representations were also received from the Cyclists Touring Club, their representative confirmed their in principle support for the scheme and Option 3A, as this provided a continuous cycling route and would assist in preventing gridlock in future years.  Reference was also made to the issue of cyclists turning right at the Maple Grove and Aldi/Iceland junctions and for the need for drivers to allow this manoeuvre to be made safely. He also pointed to advice provided on right turn manoeuvres in the Cycling Handbook.


Officers confirmed that changes could be made to the puffin crossing but that these were normally only undertaken in priority order following examination on a site by site basis.


The Executive Member confirmed that the outstanding issues raised would be examined but that they would not influence the options in the report. He went onto point to the success of much of the Fulford Road project with a reduction in travelling times for bus users and support from cyclists. However several issues had emerged which would require adjustments to be made.


The Executive Member then considered the main issues affecting this section of the corridor that needed to be addressed and the various options available, which were: 


Option 1 - Retain the existing scheme with minor amendments, which in effect would be a few additional lane arrows to highlight correct lane usage.

Option 2 - To remove the bus lane and revert back to the previous layout whilst retaining the new northbound cycle lane as shown on the plan in Annex A.

Option 2A - Similar to Option 2 but with an additional pedestrian refuge island crossing, primarily to cater for crossing movements between the barracks and the supermarkets.

Option 3 - To remove the bus lane and to reallocate the available road space to extend the southbound on-road cycle lane as shown on the plan in Annex C.       

Option 3A - Similar to Option 3 but with continuous cycle lanes in both directions as shown on the plan in Annex D.

A further variation on Option 3 and Option 3A would be to provide an additional pedestrian refuge island, as discussed under Option 2A above. 

RESOLVED:   That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

i)Note the contents of this report and its annexes.

ii)Implement Option 3A as detailed in the report and above.

iii)Extend the shared-use facility on the eastern side to the Heslington Lane junction.

iv)Implement’ At Any Time’ waiting restrictions on Moorland Road, Derwent Road and St Oswald’s Road in the vicinity of the crossing points.

v)Advertise any traffic orders associated with the proposed improvements and, subject to no objections being received, the order(s) be made.  Any unresolved objections to be referred to the Executive Member for consideration.

vi)Carry out further consultation as appropriate on the above in discussion with the Executive Member and respective ward councillors, and for any contentious issues to be referred back to the Executive Member for consideration. 1.

REASON:                  To address safety issues and improve conditions on these parts of the Fulford Road corridor.

Supporting documents:


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