Agenda item

2 Heathfield Road York YO10 3AE (10/01101/FUL)

This application seeks permission to erect a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension to a three bedroomed hipped roof semi-detached house.


The application has been brought to committee at the request of a local Member and because of the level of local interest in the application. [Hull Road] [Site Visit]


Members considered an application for a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension at 2 Heathfield Road.


In their update to Members, Officers stated that an additional email had been received from a resident stating that they felt that HMOs(Houses of Multiple Occupation) were destroying the area and that ultimately no Council Tax would be collected from the property due to it being occupied by student tenants.


Representations were heard from a neighbour in objection to the application. She spoke about the proposed plans that the applicant had put forward for consideration and stated that;


·        Although the proposed plans were revised, the original plans had stated that the extensions would not detrimentally affect daylight and sunlight to the back of the property. She had commissioned her own report which concluded that this was incorrect. The revised plans would still adversely affect daylight and sunlight to this area.


·        If the application was approved then there would be an increase in buy to let properties in the street.


Further representations were heard from another neighbour in objection to the application as a result of noise. The neighbour stated that due to the noise of the residents in the property that her children’s bedrooms were very noisy and this had detrimentally affected their sleeping patterns.


Representations were heard from a representative of Osbaldwick Parish Council who stated that the Parish Council would support the residents in objecting to the application, and gave the following reasons:


  • The properties on Heathfield Road that were built in the 1930s were never intended to have accommodated vast extensions.
  • Although the application was not for a HMO(House of Multiple Occupation), Members should consider its future use when making their decision.


Representations were heard from the applicant who stated that he and his wife wanted to extend and upgrade their property and that they wished to rent it to a family or young professional couple. He had no intention of renting it to students. He also added that he would be willing to compromise on details of the application to secure its approval by Members.


Members asked Officers if revised proposals could be considered at the meeting.


Officers responded that revised proposals could not be considered at the meeting due to the need to re-consult and that if the applicant did wish for it to be determined by the Committee, that he would have to resubmit his application.


They also added, in response to a question from Members, that planning conditions could not restrict occupation of the property to certain groups of people.


Some Members felt that the proximity of the extension to the neighbouring property would be over dominant, and that the amount of hardstanding proposed for off street parking provision was not sufficient, as a result of this it was;


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  The proposed one and two storey extension would be located in close proximity to much of the rear garden of 1 Heathfield Road. It is considered that if approved the proposal would result in the small space being unduly enclosed by an overdominant and overbearing form of development which would also result in excessive overshadowing. As such the proposal conflicts with Policies GP1 (Criterion I) and H7 (Criterion d) of the City of York Draft Local Plan (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005 and advice contained in paragraphs 1.33 of the City of York Council’s Guide to Extensions and Alterations to Private Dwellings March 2001.

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