Agenda item

OS Field 3022, Metcalfe Lane, Osbaldwick, York (10/00529/FULM)

This application seeks planning permission for the erection of 90 polytunnels in association with use of 3.29 ha of land as allotments with associated facilities including reception/shop/toilet block, associated parking area and highway improvements to Metcalfe Lane. [Osbaldwick] [Site Visit]


Members considered an application for the erection of 90 polytunnels on agricultural land to the east of Metcalfe Lane in association with use of 3.29ha of land as allotments with associated facilities including reception/shop/toilet block, associated parking area and highway improvements to Metcalfe Lane.


The following additional written representation was tabled:

  • Statement from Councillor Morley, Ward Member for Osbaldwick, in objection to the application.
  • Document entitled “Potential Alternative Construction Traffic Routes, Derwenthorpe, Metcalf Lane, York – Landscape Assessment” tabled by a representative of Osbaldwick Parish Council.


In their update to Members, officers reported that the Conservation Architect had stated that the application was likely to impact on the quality of Metcalfe Lane and would harm the conservation area. 


The agent for the applicant spoke in support of the application.  He stated that advice had been taken in respect of drainage and highways. A biodiversity survey had also been carried out and a water harvesting system would be in operation. The document that had been tabled by the representative of Osbaldwick Parish Council was not specific to this site.


A representative of Osbaldwick Parish Council spoke in objection to the application. He read out extracts from documents that he had tabled and stated that the lane was a much used right of way.


Councillor Morley spoke in objection to the application. He stated that the lane was in fairly constant use, including for recreational purposes. The application would result in enduring damage to the environment of the area.


Members expressed concerns in respect of the proposed widening of the highway, issues in respect of drainage and at the impact on the landscape because of the scale of the application.


RESOLVED:            That the application be refused.


REASONS:    (i)         The proposed development would be accessed off a private road.  It is considered that the application fails to indicate that the proposed improvements to the road will be adequate to cater for the increase in traffic generated by the proposal, such that it would be likely to generate conflict with the safety and enjoyment of cyclists and pedestrians who use the route.  As such the proposal conflicts with policy T2a of the City of York Draft Local Plan  (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005 and Central Government advice relating to traffic safety in Planning Guidance Note 13 (Transport).


(ii) The application fails to indicate how improvements to drainage and vehicular access will be implemented without adversely affecting the biodiversity of Metcalfe Lane and its rural character. As such the proposal conflicts with policy HE2, HE3, GP1, GP9, NE1 and NE7 of the City of York Draft Local Plan  (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005 and Central Government advice contained in Planning Policy Statement 9 (Biodiversity and Geological Conservation) and Planning Policy Statement 1 (Delivering Sustainable Development).


(iii) The application provides insufficient information to determine the potential impact the proposals will have on the existing drainage system. These concerns are particularly significant given the history of surface water flooding in the area. As such the proposal conflicts with policy GP15a of the City of York Draft Local Plan  (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005, The City of York Flood Risk Assessment (September 2007) and Central Government advice relating to flood risk contained in Planning Policy Statement 25 (Development and Flood Risk).


(iv) The application fails to show that the recreational benefits to residents from the use of the site will outweigh the impact the development (including alterations to Metcalfe Lane and ancillary facilities) will have on the loss of openness of the Green Belt and the character and appearance of the Osbaldwick Conservation Area. As such the proposal conflicts with policy GB1, GB13, HE2 and HE3 of the City of York Draft Local Plan and Central Government advice relating to development in Green Belts contained in Planning Policy Guidance Note 2 (Green Belts) and Planning Policy Statement 7 (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas) and Planning Policy Statement 15 (Planning for the Historic Environment).

Supporting documents:


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