Agenda item

Sunnyside Farm Shop, 22 Mill Lane, Wigginton, York. YO32 2PX

This is an outline planning application for nine houses with all matters reserved except access, which is via a private drive from Mill Lane.  [Haxby and Wigginton] [Site Visit]


Members considered an outline planning application for nine houses with associated access and parking. This application was a resubmission of an application from last year. The previous application that was considered in 2009 was for six houses on this site.


In their update to Members, Officers stated that they had received two more objections to the application. One had been received from Councillor Firth and another one from some local residents. Members were also informed that additional updated comments had been received from the Council’s Countryside Officer, which meant that an additional condition in relation to the incorporation of bat friendly features would be inserted if the application was approved.


Representations in support of the application were heard from the applicant’s agent who stated that in his view, given the nature of the surrounding area, two storey development was acceptable on this site, and that he was aware of the restricted access to the site.


Representations in objection to the application were heard from a local resident who spoke about the restricted access to the site. She added that visitors to residents in the proposed houses would park on the main road, and that there had also been an application submitted to put a bus stop in front of the development site. She questioned whether residents had been properly consulted on the revised plans that were now being considered. She also added that she felt that the application had not taken into account drainage issues, and that overall, she felt that the application should be refused on grounds of overdevelopment.


Officers told Members that the plans submitted were an indicative layout of the site, and did not form part of the application, which was submitted in outline.


Councillor Cregan moved the Officer’s recommendation for approval. Councillor Pierce seconded this motion.


Some Members stated that they felt the application could be refused on traffic grounds, and referred to new government guidelines removing domestic gardens from the definition of previously developed land which weakened the case for the development of the site.


On being put to the vote, the result for approval and refusal of the Officer’s recommendation, was tied. Therefore, the Chair used his casting vote and it was;


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the recommendations listed in the Officer’s report with an amended condition to read thus;


                                    No development shall take place until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council of what measures are to be provided within the design of the new buildings to accommodate bats. The work shall be completed in accordance with the approved details. Features suitable for incorporation for this group include the use of special tiles, bricks, soffit boards, bat boxes etc.


REASON:                  It is considered that the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


·        The Principle of Development for Housing Impact on Protected Trees

·        Access and Highway Safety

·        Density of Development

·        Design and Street Scene

·        Neighbour Amenity

·        Flood Risk and Drainage

·        Bio-Diversity

·        Sustainability

·        Public Open Space


As such the proposal complies with policies GP1, GP4a, GP15a, H4a, H5a, NE1 and L1c of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.




Supporting documents:


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