Agenda item

Traffic Congestion Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee - Revised Final Report

This report presents the revised final report of the Traffic Congestion Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee regarding their review on Traffic Congestion in York.  Councillor Merrett, Chair of the Committee, will be in attendance to present the report.


Members received a report presenting the revised final report of the Traffic Congestion Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee regarding their review on Traffic Congestion in York. 


In February 2010, SMC had considered the recommendations from the Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee, which had resulted from their investigative work on the objectives of the review.  However, they did not include any recommendation around the testing of the scenarios identified from the city-wide consultation, as the results of the survey were still unknown at that time.  Since then, the Traffic Congestion Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee had met again to consider the survey findings (Annex E to the final report), and had agreed an additional recommendation, detailed in paragraph 11 of the report.  Councillor Merrett, Chair of the Committee, went through the key issues. 


Having considered the findings contained within the revised final report and its annexes, Members were invited to comment on the findings from the survey (Annex E of the report) and the additional recommendation shown in paragraph 12 of the report.


Members made the following points in respect of the final report:


  • It was recognised that the current funding situation was likely to impact on the implementation of the recommended short term recommendations and the suggested long term transport strategy.
  • It was recommended that an additional bullet point be included in paragraph 18 to include “To seek to reduce levels of traffic in the city”.
  • The “Smart Choices” approach (paragraph 22) was relatively low cost and could have a significant impact.
  • The Executive was requested to give due consideration to the recommendations in respect of public transport, particularly buses.


RESOLVED:(i)         That the contents of the revised final report and its

                        annexes be noted.


(ii)That the additional recommendation relating specifically to the testing of the scenario preferred by a majority of residents, as identified by the results of the residents’ survey, be endorsed.


(ii)That the members of the Traffic Congestion Ad-hoc Scrutiny Committee, the scrutiny officer and the other officers involved, be thanked for the work that they had carried out and commended on the excellent review.


REASON:      To fully inform the Executive of the outcome of the Traffic Congestion Ad Hoc Scrutiny Review.

Supporting documents:


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