Agenda item

Year End Financial and Performance Report for 2009-10

This report provides details of the Council’s performance during the period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 in respect of financial out-turn, National Performance indicators, Local Area Agreement targets and key projects.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action on these issues can be taken by CMT and directorates and key areas for improvement can be fed into future corporate planning.


                        (ii)        That the underspend of £322k be noted and the cost control measures outlined in paragraph 8, continuing into 2010-11, be endorsed.


REASON:      So that consideration can be given to areas of under and over spending and key areas can be fed into the financial planning process.


                        (iii)       That the following requests to carry forward funds into 2010-11, as detailed in paragraphs 70 and 86 of the report, be approved and that the £20k already carried forward (paragraph 30) be noted:

·        Target Hardening underspend (£13k)

·        Your City, Your Ward (£5k)

·        Community Centres (£12k)

·        Ward Committees (£100k)

·        Parking Service (£40k)

·        York Pride (£42k)

·        Efficiency Staffing (£22k)

·        South Bank 20 mph Speed Limit Scheme (£30k)


(iv)That the following carry forward request not be approved:

·        Neighbourhood Management Unit underspend (£50k)


REASON:      So that resources can be directed into those areas that meet corporate priorities.


Members considered a report which provided details of the Council’s performance during the period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 in respect of financial out-turn, National Performance indicators, Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets and key projects.


The out-turn position on the General Fund budget for 2009-10 was a provisional underspend of £322k, representing an improvement of £2,655k since the third monitoring report.  This was due mainly to stringent cost controls implemented across directorates in the second half of the year.  Overspends in Housing & Adult Social Services and Learning, Culture & Children’s Services indicated that the pressures in these areas reported earlier in the year continued to be an issue.  Savings required in the 2010-11 budget, together with Government cuts, meant that cost controls would need to be accepted as standard practice in the future.  Requests had been made to carry forward into 2010-11 unspent budgets totalling £334k, reducing the out-turn position to an overspend of £12k.  A request to carry forward £20k for re-allocation to the York Mystery Plays 2012 Partnership had already been approved.  The level of reserves as at 31 March 2010 was projected to be £6,718k before any adjustment for year-end variations.


With regard to performance, York had improved overall against 62% of the 138 national indicators and against 58% of the 38 LAA targets.  Highlights included:

  • recorded crime - reduced overall by 24%
  • pupils achieving 5 or more A*-C GCSEs – increased to 59%
  • children / young people participating in PE – increased to 87%
  • citizens supported to live independently – increased by 22%
  • continued reduction in the number of households in temporary accommodation, despite a national increase
  • people killed / seriously injured on York’s roads – reduced by 38%
  • unemployment rate in York lower than regional and national average.


Members commented favourably on the budget out-turn and performance improvements and thanked Officers for their efforts to ensure that residents did not experience service reductions despite budget pressures.  Having noted the comments of the Labour Group spokespersons on this item, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action on these issues can be taken by CMT and directorates and key areas for improvement can be fed into future corporate planning.


                        (ii)        That the underspend of £322k be noted and the cost control measures outlined in paragraph 8, continuing into 2010-11, be endorsed.1


REASON:      So that consideration can be given to areas of under and over spending and key areas can be fed into the financial planning process.


                        (iii)       That the following requests to carry forward funds into 2010-11, as detailed in paragraphs 70 and 86 of the report, be approved and that the £20k already carried forward (paragraph 30) be noted:2

·        Target Hardening underspend (£13k)

·        Your City, Your Ward (£5k)

·        Community Centres (£12k)

·        Ward Committees (£100k)

·        Parking Service (£40k)

·        York Pride (£42k)

·        Efficiency Staffing (£22k)

·        South Bank 20 mph Speed Limit Scheme (£30k)


(iv)That the following carry forward request not be approved:

·        Neighbourhood Management Unit underspend (£50k)


REASON:      So that resources can be directed into those areas that meet corporate priorities.

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