Agenda item

Review of Winter Maintenance Policy - Final Report

This report presents the final report of the Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee, following their review of the Winter Maintenance Policy. 


RESOLVED: That the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee be supported and that Officers be asked to ensure that they are incorporated into the Council’s Winter Maintenance Policy.


REASON:      To provide an appropriate response to the scrutiny recommendations, which will clarify the position regarding treatment of secondary routes, improve the availability of ‘self help’ salt in severe weather and ensure that information is readily available to the public.


Members considered a report which presented the findings of the Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee following their review of the Council’s Winter Maintenance Policy. 


The recommendations made by the Scrutiny Committee in relation to the key objectives of the review - cycleways, salt bins, secondary routes and policy / raising awareness - were set out in paragraph 6 of the cover report and paragraph 52 of the final report at Annex 1. A total of twelve recommendations had been made.


Having noted the comments of the Labour Group Spokespersons on this item and the comments made by Cllr Merrett under Public Participation / Other Speakers, it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee be supported and that Officers be asked to ensure that they are incorporated into the Council’s Winter Maintenance Policy. 1


REASON:      To provide an appropriate response to the scrutiny recommendations, which will clarify the position regarding treatment of secondary routes, improve the availability of ‘self help’ salt in severe weather and ensure that information is readily available to the public.

Supporting documents:


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