Agenda item

Quarter 1 Finance & Performance Monitor for 2010-11

This report provides details of the headline performance and finance issues from the Quarter 1 performance monitor of 2010-11, covering the period 1st April to 30th June 2010.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action on these issues can be taken by Members and directorates.


                        (ii)        That the finance issues identified in the report, in particular the current forecasted pressures, be noted, and that it be acknowledged that work is ongoing to reduce these in time for the Monitor 2 report to the Executive on 16 November 2010.


REASON:      So that the Council’s expenditure can be contained within budget, where possible, by the end of the financial year.


                        (iii)       That, in accordance with Financial Regulations, approval be given to release £20k from contingency to fund the inward investment post referred to in paragraph 54 of the report.


REASON:      To enable the continuation of the Council’s role in promoting inward investment in the City.


                        (iv)       That the three new Key Corporate Risks set out in paragraph 70 of the report be approved.


REASON:      So that the monitoring of these risks is presented to Members on a regular basis.


Members considered a report, which provided details of the headline and performance issues arising from the performance monitor for the first quarter of the 2010-11 financial year, covering the period 1 April to 30 June 2010.


In view of the Government’s decision to abolish the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) and remove some of the National Performance Indicators (NPIs), the Council had started to review its NPIs and performance management framework.  The report therefore included only those NPIs, which provided useful context for local performance, plus other local data demonstrating progress in key service areas.  Details of performance issues were set out in paragraphs 4 to 40.  It was noted that good improvements had been made in relation to: waste recycling; street cleanliness; violent crime incidents; independent living through Adult Social Care; affordable homes; road accidents / injuries; and educational attainment in literacy and numeracy at key stage 2.  Further work was needed to reduce cycle theft incidents and continue the improvement trends on staff sickness. 


Details of finance issues were contained in paragraphs 41 to 65 of the report.  Current projections indicated that the Council faced financial pressures amounting to £4,042k.  Work was ongoing to identify actions to address this position.  Members were asked to consider a request for £20k from contingency to fund a post in Economic Development supporting inward investment in the City, previously funded by Yorkshire Forward.  Approval was also sought to include three new Key Corporate Risks in the Council’s risk register, as recommended by Audit & Governance Committee – Government Spending Policy, Corporate Performance Management Framework and Climate Change.


Officers reported details of revised figures for Park and Ride passenger numbers as referred to in para. 29 of the report, which had been republished online. The paragraph and graphs had been amended to reflect revisions to the May 2009 figures for Park and Ride journeys in York and updated with the figures for July 2009/10. The amended figures had shown that the decline in passenger number had been much smaller, especially with the increased figures for July 2010.


Members also questioned details of the Adult Social Care figures and the pressures on mental health residential care and direct payments. Officers confirmed that full details would be provided in the second quarter monitor. In response to members requests Officers confirmed that they would provide a monthly report to the Executive Member of the demand pressures in this area. 3.


Having noted the comments of the Labour Group Spokespersons on this item, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That the performance issues identified in the report be noted.


REASON:      So that corrective action on these issues can be taken by Members and directorates.


                        (ii)        That the finance issues identified in the report, in particular the current forecasted pressures, be noted, and that it be acknowledged that work is ongoing to reduce these in time for the Monitor 2 report to the Executive on 16 November 2010.


REASON:      So that the Council’s expenditure can be contained within budget, where possible, by the end of the financial year.


                        (iii)       That, in accordance with Financial Regulations, approval be given to release £20k from contingency to fund the inward investment post referred to in paragraph 54 of the report. 1.


REASON:      To enable the continuation of the Council’s role in promoting inward investment in the City.


                        (iv)       That the three new Key Corporate Risks set out in paragraph 70 of the report be approved. 2.


REASON:      So that the monitoring of these risks is presented to Members on a regular basis.

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