Agenda item

Formal Business of Council - Allocation to Seats and Appointments to the Executive, Committees and Other Bodies 2010/2011

To receive a report which asks Council to:


a)                 Appoint the Executive Leader, Deputy Leader and members of the Executive for the Municipal Year 2010/2011 and approve their portfolios (Annex A).


b)                 Agree arrangements for the distribution of places on Member bodies associated with the City of York Council, in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Annex B)


c)                  Appoint the Chairs, Vice-Chairs and membership of the Council’s Committees, Boards and other Member bodies, including any partnership arrangements and representatives on Outside Bodies, for the Municipal Year 2010/2011 (Annexes C1-C4).


Cllr Waller moved, and Cllr Runciman seconded, the recommendation in the report at Item 5 on the Council agenda, authorising the Monitoring Officer, under Article 16 of the Constitution, to make the necessary changes to effect the proposed alterations to the Executive Member portfolio areas set out in paragraph 4 and Annex A to that report.


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.


Cllr Waller then moved, and Cllr Runciman seconded, the remaining recommendation in the report at agenda item 5, relating to the allocation of seats, appointments to the Executive, Committees and other bodies, as set out in Annexes A, B and C to the report and in the list of amendments tabled at the meeting.


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chief Executive, be authorised to make the necessary drafting changes to the Executive Member Delegation Scheme within the Constitution to effect the proposed changes to Executive Member portfolios referred to in paragraph 4 of the report.


(ii) That the proportionality arrangements for allocation to seats, together with the proposals to form an Executive, appoint an Executive Leader and approve appropriate nominations to Committees and other bodies, as set out in Annexes A, B and C to the report and the list of amendments circulated at the meeting, be approved.*


* Note: the list of amendments has been published with the agenda for this meeting as Annex D to agenda item 5.

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