Agenda item

York Northwest Area Action Plan - Update on Planning Progress and York Central Review.

This report updates Members on the joint work carried out between the Council and York Central Consortium and outlines the headline findings of the review and issues arising from this work. A number of objectives for the York Central Site arising from this work are set out for Members consideration. Members are asked to agree that further work is carried out to explore other models of regeneration partnerships and funding opportunities. The report also provides a short update on progress with the York Northwest Urban Eco Settlement and Members are asked to agree that the policies for York Northwest are included within the Core Strategy which seek to achieve Eco Town Standards.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the joint review work carried out between the Council and the York Central Consortium following the suspension of the developer procurement process.


The report outlined the headline findings of the review and issues arising from it. It asked Members to consider and agree a number of objectives for the York Central Site.


Officers updated the Committee with the following information:


  • In relation to the Urban Eco Settlement (UES), City of York Council has access to £275k share of the Eco Development fund for a show home. Officers are currently in dialogue with Leeds City Region and the other 3 UES areas for a share of the £750k revenue award.
  • A draft City Region Investment Plan had been produced. This would form the basis of the City region funding discussions and negotiations with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The three main areas where City of York Council are looking for HCA funding relate to increasing levels of affordable housing, uplift to Code level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and uplift to improved code level performance to levels 5 and 6 for specific elements (e.g. energy and water).
  • Master planning- Associated British Foods are in the process of appointing consultants to carry out master planning for the British Sugar site. It is anticipated that the master planning will commence in a few weeks time.
  • York Central Review – The headline findings of the review were presented to a meeting of the York Central partners on 11 March. Work with the York Central Consortium is ongoing with a further workshop scheduled for after Easter.


In response to questions from Members, officers advised the following:


  • A changed planning approach for the York Northwest area is possible  due to changes in the PPS12 which now allows identification of strategic sites in the Core Strategy which would then become part of the statutory development plan when the Core Strategy is adopted. Site specific detail could now be included in Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD’s) which sit alongside an adopted Core Strategy.
  • This approach would offer more flexibility and would allow officers to prepare SPD’s for any further sites coming forward for development in the area.
  • In response to questions regarding how well traffic issues can be addressed in the Core Strategy as opposed to an AAP, officers advised that further reports and updates in relation to transport and accessibility would be brought to future LDF Working Group meetings for Members’ consideration.
  • In relation to Members’ queries regarding retail provision at the site, officers advised that a detailed report on retail would be brought to a future meeting of the LDF Working Group for Members consideration.


After raising concerns about the level of retail provision to be included in the York Central site, Councillors D’Agorne and Merrett moved the following amendment:


  • That objective v) at paragraph 31 be amended to read “ Creation of a new urban quarter for York with local retail provision”.


The following Councillors voted in favour of  the amendment, Councillors D’Agorne, Merrett, Potter and Simpson-Laing. The rest of the Committee voted against the amendment and the Chair used his casting vote and the amendment was then lost.


Councillor Potter then moved the following amendment which was seconded by Councillor Simpson-Laing:


  • That an Area Action Plan (AAP) be produced for both the York Central Site and the York Northwest site.


This amendment was lost when put to the vote.


Councillor Potter then suggested the following amendment which was seconded by Councillor Simpson Laing


  • That officers continue with an AAP for York Central and Members accept a SPD for the British Sugar Site.


This amendment was lost when put to the vote.


Certain Members raised concerns about the objectives at paragraph 31 of the report not highlighting the importance of the provision of buildings for business use at the York Central site and requested that the wording of objective ii) be changed to reflect this as follows:


“ii) Provision of a new employment area for high quality new offices, with a Central Business District for the City which will contribute to the overall economic prosperity of the city”.


Members took a vote on this amendment and the amendment was agreed.



RESOLVED (1)        That Members note the progress with York Northwest and agree the programme of work and indicative SPD process as outlined in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2


REASON:                  To ensure work being undertaken for York Northwest is progressed.


RESOLVED (2)        That Members agree that the planning framework for York Northwest is provided within the Core Strategy, with York Northwest identified as a zone of change and York Central and the former British Sugar sites identified as strategic sites.


REASON:                  To ensure the regeneration of both major development sites is delivered within an overarching framework and within anticipated timeframes.


RESOLVED (3)        That Members agree to the preparation of separate supporting Supplementary Planning Documents for York Central and the former British Sugar site and the preparation of a development framework for York Central.


REASON:                  To ensure the regeneration of both major development sites is delivered within an overarching framework and within anticipated timeframes.


RESOLVED: (4)       That Members agreed that policies are included within the Core Strategy seeking to achieve PPS1 standards for Eco Towns for the York Northwest area.


REASON:                  To meet the requirements for Eco Towns and possible designation as part of the national programme of Eco Towns.




RESOLVED: (5)       That Members agree the objectives for the York Central site as outlined in paragraph 31 subject to the amendment to objective ii) as requested by members to reflect the importance of a business district,  and reaffirm the Council’s commitment to bringing forward the site for redevelopment


REASON:                  To ensure continuing commitment to moving the project forward.


RESOLVED (6)        That Members agreed that the Council should take a proactive approach to public funding for the York Central site and investigate alternative delivery mechanisms in collaboration with the York Central partners.


REASON:                  To enable delivery issues to be addressed.

Supporting documents:


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