Agenda item

Petitions for 20 mph Speed Limits on Residential Roads in York

To advise the Executive Member of the progress towards prioritisation of a number of petitions and requests for 20mph speed limits and to set out the proposed response to a number of petitions.


RESOLVED:           That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees:

i) The prioritised list of petitions and requests as shown at (revised) Annex A;

ii) To progress the next four schemes on the list through the 2010/11 capital programme, which are: Holly Bank area, Westminster Road, Low Poppleton Road and Millfield Lane.

iii) To note that the next LTP3 consultation will contain a question on 20mph speed limits and that no expenditure on physical works, on additional 20 mph limits, be incurred until the results of that survey are known.

iv)That the Key Route roads shown on the Annex be considered as part of the Councils on going accident reduction processes.


REASON:                  To enable a response to petitions to be progressed and a number of 20mph speed limit schemes to be developed for implementation during 2010/11 as part of the capital programme.


The Executive Member considered a report, which advised him on progress towards prioritisation of a number of petitions and requests for 20 mph speed limits.


Officers updated that since the report had been compiled there had been changes to the LTP3 consultation process, which meant that, rather than consultation on 20mph speed limits on residential streets being undertaken in April this would now take place in the summer. She also reported that the comments received in relation to the Westminster Road scheme had been included in the table for completeness but that they would be dealt with outside of this procedure.


Cllr Merrett welcomed the report and the inclusion of the South Bank area for implementation of a 20mph scheme. He did however express concern at the requirement for a response rate of 50% but stated that he was pleased to learn that the 50% household support rate was in relation to prioritisation of the requests and petitions and that schemes would be progressed on a lower percentage return provided that at least 50% of the returns were in favour.


The Executive Member confirmed that Annex A to the report set out the latest prioritised position based on current information and that this would effectively become a work programme, the highest priority being given to those records with a record of accidents. He referred to Officers reference to accident levels on a number of roads where an unenforced 20mph limit could not be introduced and that he was proposing that these should be investigated under the Council’s existing speed management and accident reduction policies.


The Executive Members also confirmed that, in view of the delay in polling residents on the introduction of a citywide 20mph zone, he felt it advisable not to authorise any physical works on 20mph limits pending receipt of the results of the consultation.


Consideration was then given to the following options:


Option one – Agree the latest prioritised position and agree to progress the schemes in paragraph 11 through the 2010/11 capital programme. 


Option two – Agree the prioritisation but do not proceed with further delivery until the results of the LTP3 survey are known.


Option three – Do not agree the current prioritisation or implementation of further 20mph schemes.


RESOLVED:      That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees:

i) The prioritised list of petitions and requests as shown at (revised) Annex A;

ii) To progress the next four schemes on the list through the 2010/11 capital programme, which are: Holly Bank area, Westminster Road, Low Poppleton Road and Millfield Lane.

iii) To note that the next LTP3 consultation will contain a question on 20mph speed limits and that no expenditure on physical works, on additional 20 mph limits, be incurred until the results of that survey are known.

iv)That the Key Route roads shown on the Annex be considered as part of the Councils on going accident reduction processes. 1.


REASON:                  To enable a response to petitions to be progressed and a number of 20mph speed limit schemes to be developed for implementation during 2010/11 as part of the capital programme.

Supporting documents:


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