Agenda item

Fulford Road Conservation Area Appraisal: Results of Consultation and Final Draft for Approval

This report presents the results of a public consultation exercise on the draft Fulford Road Conservation Area Appraisal which included a boundary review. The report recommends that, following minor revisions, the document be adopted.


Members considered a report, which presented the results of a public consultation exercise on the draft Fulford Road Conservation Area Appraisal which also included a boundary review. The report recommended the adoption of the appraisal subject to a number of minor revisions.


The Planning Committee had approved the draft appraisal for consultation on 24 September 2009. Details of the consultation responses together with Officer responses and recommendations/proposed amendments were set out in Annex C to the report.


Officers confirmed that the adoption of the document would assist with the formulation and determination of development proposals within the Conservation Area and the surrounding area.


Consideration was also given to a letter, circulated at the meeting, from Cllr Taylor. He confirmed that he was in support of the reappraisal of the Fulford Road Conservation Area but as a resident of Fishergate and Heritage Champion for the City of York he requested that consideration should be given to some additional recommendations:

  • Inclusion of the former Christian Science Church and former Post Office as superb examples of C20th architecture;
  • Inclusion of the early Council houses of Fulford Cross as they shared many of the characteristics with those of Alma Terrace;
  • Inclusion of the Ordnance Lane buildings.


Officers confirmed that following receipt of a number of representations questioning the inclusion of Ordnance Lane they had reassessed its contribution to the area. The draft Appraisal had stated that the area would not justify conservation area status in isolation however records had now shown that the buildings were erected at the start of the C20th and that the hospital predated the buildings by 50 years although it had now been demolished and for this amongst other reasons it was not now proposed for inclusion.


Officers circulated details of English Heritage’s ‘Guidance on Conservation Area Appraisals’, ‘Conservation Area Practice’, Planning Policy Guidance note nos. 15 together with photographs of the former Post Office, Christian Science Church, Ordnance Lane and the properties at Fulford Cross. Officers considered that the above guidance led them to believe that the properties did not meet the criteria for inclusion in the conservation area. In answer to a question, Officers also clarified that their comments for the non-inclusion of Ordnance Lane were based solely on conservation area criteria and assessment rather than on future proposals for the site. 


Cllr D’Agorne referred to a number of possible inclusions in the area, Alma Terrace and the Wellington Public House, which he felt, required projection, also Howard Street and Fulford Cross. He also questioned the suggestion that an assessment be undertaken of trees at the rear of St Oswald’s Road, which were not visible from the Conservation Area. 


Officers suggested that The Wellington could be a candidate for the emerging  local list which contained details of buildings that were of importance and interest to the local community because of their historic or architectural importance. However it has since been confirmed that the Wellington Inn was protected through statutory listing at Grade 11.


The Committee thanked Officers for all their hard work in creating the Fulford Road Appraisal.


RESOLVED:             That approval for planning purposes be given to the Fulford Road Conservation Area Appraisal as proposed in Annex D and as amended by Annex C of the report. 1.


REASON:                  The document is a thorough analysis of the character and appearance of the conservation area and it has been prepared in accordance with current guidance from English Heritage. As a document it is clearly written and accessible to a wide range of users.  The consultation method and range accords with previous practice.  Information and views of consultees have been carefully considered in the amendments proposed.  The adoption of the document will assist with the formulation and determination of development proposals within the conservation area and adjacent to it.

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