Agenda item
Minutes and Matters Arising
To approve and sign the minutes of the meetings of 2 December 2009 and 28 January 2010. An “easy read” version of these minutes is also attached.
RESOLVED:That the minutes of the meetings of the Group held on 2 December 2009 and 28 January 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to it being noted that Fiona Walker and Maureen Ryan had submitted their apologies for absence for the meeting on 28 January 2010 and that the meeting finished at 10.00 pm.
In accordance with the Group’s request that their recommendations were
tracked to ensure that they were being actioned, an update was given on
matters arising from the previous minutes:
(i) SIWG Display Boards
Arrangements had been made for the SIWG display boards to be placed in the foyer at York St John University during International Women’s Week. Information for inclusion on the boards should be forwarded to Sue Lister by the end of the week.
(ii) Name of the Group
Clarification was sought as to whether the suggestions regarding the name of the group were to be taken on board. It was noted that this would be considered further at the Development Day on 29 March 2010, along with issues including the SIWG budget1.
(iii) Roles and Responsibilities of Elected Members and Community Representatives
The minutes of the meeting of 28 January 2010 had made reference to the need to look at the role that Elected Members should play when future discussions took place with SIWG to examine the impact of budget proposals on the equality strands. Some Elected Members suggested that they felt that it would be appropriate for them to be present when such discussion took place but would not wish to participate. Others stated that they were happy to participate. It was agreed that further consideration would be given to this matter when the next budget round took place.
Members of the group suggested that there was a more general issue in terms of clarifying the roles and responsibilities of Elected Members and non-voting co-opted members on SIWG. Rita Sanderson offered to support the group in this matter1. Officers informed the Group that this issue would be discussed and finalised at the Development Day on 29 March 2010.
Supporting documents:
Minutes , 02/12/2009 Social Inclusion Working Group, item 31.
Minute Annex A EIA Update- Democratic Services, item 31.
Minute Annex B Feedback from Workshop on Review of SIWG fv, item 31.
Minute Annex C Bridging the Gap Feedback, item 31.
Minute Annex D SIWG Finances for Bridging Gap Food Drink Fest 09, item 31.
Easy Read Minutes of December 2009 meeting, item 31.
PDF 390 KB
Minutes , 28/01/2010 Social Inclusion Working Group, item 31.
Easy Read Minutes of January 2010 meeting, item 31.