Agenda item

Report on Possible Topics for Scrutiny Review

This report presents two topic registration forms which have recently been submitted, together with a list of other suggested topics.  Members are asked to consider and agree which, if any, of these they would like to proceed with to scrutiny review.


Members received a report that presented two topic registration forms, which had recently been submitted, together with a list of other suggested topics.  Members were asked to consider and agree which, if any, of these should proceed to scrutiny review.


(a)   Salt bins/pavement, road and path gritting


Consideration was given to the registration form that had been submitted by Councillor Bowgett on the topic of “Salt bins/pavement, road and path gritting”.  Councillor Bowgett paid tribute to the work that staff had carried out in very difficult weather conditions.  She explained the reasons for submitting the registration form, including having received a number of complaints from residents, particularly in respect of footpaths. 


Members endorsed the comments that Councillor Bowgett had made regarding the tremendous work that staff had carried out.  Views were put forward that the roads, particularly the main routes, had been well gritted during the severe weather conditions and that the key concerns related to footpaths, salt bins and cycle paths. 


A copy of the current gritting policy had been attached as Annex D to the report.  It was noted that officers had already been instructed to review the council’s current policy on gritting and would welcome the Committee’s participation in that process.  


Members noted the emails that had been submitted by Councillor D’Agorne in support of a review on this issue.  He requested that the review included consideration of actions required to make cycle routes safer when adverse weather conditions occurred.


Discussion took place as to the most appropriate time at which to carry out a scrutiny review, particularly in view of the officer review of the policy that was to be undertaken.  It was agreed that the scrutiny review should commence as soon as possible to ensure that any amendments to the policy could be put in place in readiness for next winter.  It was, however, important that the review did not duplicate the work that was being carried out by officers.


Officers agreed to provide a report for the next meeting updating Members on how the “Highway Maintenance Services – Winter Maintenance Manual” had been applied during recent weeks and the lessons learnt.


(b)   The effectiveness of CCTV in relation to the costs involved


Consideration was given to the registration form that had been submitted by Councillor Bowgett on the topic of “The effectiveness of CCTV in relation to the costs involved.”  Information on the use of CCTV in York had been provided by the Safer York Partnership and circulated to the committee.  Officers stated that a report on CCTV was due to be presented to the Executive in Spring 2010 and would cover issues referred to in the registration form.  The report could be made available to the Committee for their consideration and comments prior to it being presented to the Executive.


(c)   Impact of drug use on the City of York


Councillor Gillies suggested that the committee may wish to consider undertaking a review on the impact of drug use on the city.  Issues that could be considered included: the impact on crime, support for drug users and the role of the agencies. 


(d)   Domestic Violence


Councillor Watson suggested that domestic abuse may also be a worthwhile topic for a scrutiny review.  Councillor Gillies stated that he had recently attended a presentation on this issue and would arrange for the information to be circulated to Members.


RESOLVED:(i)         That a scrutiny review be carried out on “City of York

                                    Council Winter Gritting Policy”.


(ii)               That suggested issues for inclusion within the review include:

·        Pavements

·        Salt bins

·        Cycle paths

·        Public areas (including schools and shopping areas)

·        Legal and health and safety implications


(iii)             That a task group be formed to meet with officers to draft a scope for the review for consideration at the next meeting.


(iv)              That the members of the task group be:

Councillor Bowgett

Councillor Gillies

A Member nominated by the Liberal Democrat Group.


(v)                That, for the next meeting, officers prepare a briefing paper on how the “Highway Maintenance Services – Winter Maintenance Manual” had been applied during recent weeks and the lessons learnt, and that this be fed into a scoping report for the scrutiny review of the Winter Gritting Policy based on the work of the Task Group (see (iii) above1.


(vi)              That, as a report on CCTV is due to be presented to the Executive in Spring 2010, a scrutiny review of CCTV not be undertaken at this time.


(vii)            That the Committee be consulted during the drafting of the report on CCTV that is to be presented to the Executive.2


(viii)          That an information report on the impact of drug abuse on the city be presented at the next meeting to enable the Committee to determine whether they would wish to proceed with a scrutiny review on this topic.


(ix)              That if, having considered the information provided by Councillor Gillies on the issue of domestic abuse, any Member considered that the Committee should pursue the topic further, they would complete a topic registration form.


(x)                That, in view of the workload of the Committee, the remaining topics suggested in the report as possible issues for scrutiny review be held in abeyance.


REASON:      To populate the workplan and progress the work of the Committee in line with Scrutiny Procedures and Protocols.

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