Agenda item

Proposed University Campus between Field Lane and Low Lane, A64 Trunk Road and Hull Road, York (09/01574/REMM)

Landscaping to Kimberlow Hill, Central Lake and eastern mounding of Heslington East Campus [Heslington Ward].


Consideration was given to a major reserved matters application, submitted by the University of York, for landscaping to Kimberlow Hill, the Central Lake and eastern mounding of Heslington East Campus.


Officers circulated the following revised Condition (to replace Condition 1 in the report) to incorporate revised plans now received:


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved plans numbered DD110317.L.401/L, DD110317.P.231/F, DD110317.P.220/F, DD110317.P.221/E, DD110317.P.222/E, DD110317.P.223/E, DD110317.P.224/E, DD110317.P.225/E, DD110317.P.226/E, DD110317.P.227/E, DD110317.P.228/E, DD110317.P.229/E, DD110317.P.230/E, D110317.P.232/A, DD110317.P.233, DD110317.P.235 and D011.L.106/C or any plans or details subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority as an amendment to the approved plans.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Officers also reported that they had had some concerns in relation to the maintenance regimes in relation to the landscaping but it was confirmed that the University had now provided additional information which alleviated these concerns. It was stated that this information would be included in a revised environmental site management plan (ESMP), as required by draft condition 2 in the report. 


Representations in support of the application were received from the applicant’s agent. She confirmed that this was the final phase of the landscaping for the campus. She reported that the application was to landscape the eastern section of the campus which included woodland areas around Kimberlow Hill and adjacent to the A64, planting of the reed beds and wetland areas and for a hay meadow between the lake and movement spine. She confirmed that their design team had worked closely with the University to create a range of habitats and to produce a Bio Diversity Action Plan.


Members questioned details of the earth levelling works and their effect on the landscaping proposals and expressed concern that sufficient details had still not been received to show that surface water would be properly attenuated. In answer to Members questions Officers confirmed that the Travel Plan for the campus had now been received and that a meeting had been arranged with the University to discuss its content.


The applicant’s agent confirmed that details of the temporary surface water drainage arrangements had recently been submitted to the Authority. She stated that Drainage Officers had indicated that they were happy with the proposals in principle but that confirmation of this was expected next week.


RESOLVED:       (i) That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the replacement of Condition 1 with the following updated condition:


1.                                             The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved plans numbered DD110317.L.401/L, DD110317.P.231/F, DD110317.P.220/F, DD110317.P.221/E, DD110317.P.222/E, DD110317.P.223/E, DD110317.P.224/E, DD110317.P.225/E, DD110317.P.226/E, DD110317.P.227/E, DD110317.P.228/E, DD110317.P.229/E, DD110317.P.230/E, D110317.P.232/A, DD110317.P.233, DD110317.P.235 and D011.L.106/C or any plans or details subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority as an amendment to the approved plans. 1.


REASON:                              In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the principle of the use, landscape amenity, bio-diversity, sustainable transport and drainage.  As such the proposal complies with policies ED9, GP1, GP9, NE7, T4, GP4a and GP15A of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.


(ii)That consideration be given to the University Travel Plan at the November meeting of the Planning Committee. 2.

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