Agenda item

Marina House, Naburn Lane, Naburn, York. YO19 4RW

This is a full planning application relating to the erection of a new detached dwelling at the above site. The scheme necessitates alterations to the existing house to remove the existing garage and provide replacement parking and access arrangements at the back of the house. [Wheldrake] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full planning application for the erection of a new detached dwelling at Marina House and alterations to the existing house to convert the garage to living accommodation, and to provide replacement parking and access to the rear of the property.


Officers updated Members by advising that representations had been received from the agent stating that he did not consider that the impact of the proposal on the amenity of the existing dwelling, or on the openness of the Green Belt, was significant.


Representations in support of the application were heard from the agent and architect of the proposed development.  He stated that the current application had been amended from a previous application and following comments from the Parish Council in order for it to be made more sympathetic to the area.  He urged Members to carefully consider the impact of the new dwelling and stated that the view from the rear of the existing property would not be impeded by the new building and that only one window in the existing dwelling would be adversely affected.


In response to a question from Members about the new car parking space, the agent responded that the space would be relocated to the side of the new house and that a ramp would be built on the top of the bank.


Members expressed concerns that the new proposed building would be located only 5.2 metres away from the existing dwelling having an overbearing impact, and that windows in a principal elevation of the existing dwelling would be adversely affected.  They also stated that on balance the development would adversely affect the character and openness of the area.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.1


REASON:      (i) The application site is located beyond the defined settlement limit of the village of Naburn and is within an area of Green Belt.  It is considered that the proposal would constitute inappropriate development within the Green Belt that, by definition, would be harmful to the Green Belt. It is considered that there are no very special circumstances that clearly outweigh this identified harm to the Green Belt. The proposed siting of the dwelling, projecting beyond the front elevation of Marina House, is also considered to impact on the openness of the Green Belt.  As a consequence, it is considered that the proposal conflicts with Central Government advice contained within Planning Policy Guidance Note 2: “Green Belts” and Policies GB1 and GB6 of the City of York Draft Local Plan (incorporating Fourth Set of Changes, April 2005).



(ii)               The site is above the rural affordable housing threshold of 0.3ha set out in Policy H2a of the City of York Local Draft Plan, and the proposal does not demonstrate that development of the site could not accommodate two smaller dwellings, either due to on-site constraints or economic viability.  The proposal therefore fails to address local and national efforts to maximise opportunities to provide affordable housing contrary to Central Government advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 3: “Housing”, Policies GP1 and GP10 of the City of York Draft Local Plan, and the Council’s adopted Strategic Housing Market Assessment.


(iii)It is considered that the proposal, due to its size, height and proximity to Marina House, would have an overbearing and over dominant impact on the occupiers of that property and result in a loss of outlook that would be harmful to residential amenity. Furthermore, the siting of the house in close proximity to a main elevation of Marina House, which incorporates an external balcony, would result in future occupiers of the proposed dwelling being unacceptably overlooked to the detriment of residential amenity and privacy, contrary to Central Government advice in Planning Policy Statement 1: “Delivering Sustainable Development”, Planning Policy Statement 3: “Housing” and Policies GP1 and GP10 of the City of York Draft Local Plan.

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