Agenda item

57 York Road, Haxby, York. YO32 3EE

The application relates to the erection of a detached, 4-bedroom, pitch-roofed, single dwelling house with linked double garage within the rear garden of an existing dwelling fronting onto York Road. [Haxby and Wigginton] [Site Visit]


Members considered an application for the erection of a four bedroomed detached house to the rear of 57 York Road.


Officers updated Members that paragraph 4.1.6 on page 10 of the officer’s report  should have read “If planning permission were to be granted conditions should be attached requiring landscaping details to be submitted for approval. These would include the reinstallation of the fence.” It was confirmed that the applicant had submitted a sustainability report which confirmed the application would achieve Code for Sustainable Homes level 3.


Representations in opposition were heard from an adjacent neighbour, representing other neighbours who were also in very close proximity to the application site.  His reasons for opposing the application were as follows; that the shared access driveway would give a poor level of amenity to existing residents, that there would be a loss of privacy for neighbouring properties and that the land on which the property would be built is subject to flooding.


Representations in support of the application were also heard from the applicant’s agent, who stated that the proposed access driveway would only have approximately four traffic movements a day. He added that the proposal was for a gravel driveway, but this could be altered to be made from tarmacadam in order to reduce noise nuisance.


Members enquired whether there would be any vegetation lost through the erection of the new property and asked how many trees would be lost due to the construction of the driveway. They also asked the agent whether the area would flood.


The agent replied that there would be no trees or vegetation lost as a result of the driveway and that the proposed garage could be relocated away from any vegetation to conserve the existing environment. He added that a drainage report had been submitted which did not suggest a significant threat of flooding, but had incorporated a system of on site storage and controlled discharge of surface water in order to control surface water drainage from the site.


Members felt that they could not support the application on the grounds that the proposed building would have a detrimental effect on occupiers of adjacent properties due to noise disturbance and loss of privacy.


Councillor Moore suggested that an additional reason for refusal be added relating to the negative impact that the proposed building would have on the conservation area.


Officers pointed out that the site was some distance away from the conservation area boundary and advised Members that if such a reason was to be added that it should not refer to the conservation area, but to the negative effect that the new property would have on the character and appearance of the surrounding area.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.1


REASON:       (i) That the proposed development would result in a poor level of amenity for the occupiers of the existing dwelling at 57 York Road due to noise, disturbance and loss of privacy caused by the shared use of the access and driveway to the side of the existing dwelling. The application is therefore contrary to policies GP1 (Design) and GP10 (Sub-division of Gardens and Infill Development) of the City of York Deposit Draft Local Plan and Central Government advice at paragraph 29 of ‘The Planning System: General Principles’ (2005) and paragraphs 34 & 35 of Planning Policy Statement 1: “Delivering Sustainable Development” (2005).


                     (ii) The proposal would, by reason of its size, scale, and backland location result in an over prominent and incongruous form of development that would be out of keeping with the character and appearance of the area.  The application is therefore contrary to policies GP1 (Design) and GP10 (Sub-division of Gardens and Infill Development) of the City of York Deposit Draft Local Plan and Central Government advice at paragraph 29 of ‘The Planning System: General Principles’ (2005) and paragraphs 34 & 35 of Planning Policy Statement 1: “Delivering Sustainable Development” (2005).

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