Agenda item

Local Improvement Schemes

Have your say on how the ward budget for 2010/11 should be spent and learn more about some of the scheme proposals


11.1        Cllr. Jenny Brooks referred to the scheme suggestions list on the insert with the October Your Ward newsletter; explained that she would go through the list as it appeared and invited those present to speak to the suggestions if they wished.

11.2        Scheme suggestion 2: Funding to provide Community Ranger service in the ward.  Group Response have provided this service in the ward for 5 years until the current year.  This is not an alternative to the police, it is complementary.  The Rangers operate in high visibility vehicles and patrol agreed “hot spots” 365 days a year between 6pm and 1am.  If residents call them, they will attend.

11.3        Scheme suggestion 3: Funding to carry out a feasibility study into a pedestrian crossing at the bottom of Church Street, Dunnington.  Cllr. Brooks commented she had received several e-mails in support of this scheme.

11.4        Scheme suggestion 18: a resident queried which area is being considered for Play builder provision?  Residents are not keen because of anti-social behaviour and vandalism on the Stray (examples given of dog bin being removed and the notice board at the Stockton Lane end of the Stray being vandalised).  They wished to keep the area as open space.  The answer was given that Monk Stray is a possible site and no decision has been made: there will be full consultation, including with the Straymasters.

11.5        Scheme suggestion 22: Funding to increase the number of trees in the Meadlands area, subject to feasibility of individual locations.  The proposer spoke to this suggestion to the effect that it was meant to cover all areas in the ward and to be restricted to native tree species.  The cost (of £175 per tree) was queried.  The response was that this was the figure quoted by the council officer responsible and referred to relatively mature trees.

11.6        Scheme suggestion 23: a grant application from Murton Parish Council to improve the pond at Murton.  The proposer spoke to this suggestion, referring to Ryedale Council’s decision over 20 years ago to renovate the pond.  Since that time, it had become overgrown and had been given to the parish council by a local farmer.  The sum of £500 was an estimate of the cost of dredging and re-planting.

11.7        Scheme suggestion 28: a grant application from Street Sport York.  Carl Shepherd from Street Sport referred to their best increase yet so far in numbers attending the sessions, there having been 12,000 children reached.

11.8        Scheme suggestion 29: funding for Active York to run Fund for the Gifted.  Jo Gilliland from Active York referred to their aim to ensure people keep active and their work in partnership, including the voluntary and statutory sector.  Fund for the Gifted exists to help the most talented young athletes and their families defray the expenses of participating.  A gold medallist from the ward had taken part in the Special Olympics in Nottingham.  Those present were requested to take an application form if they knew of any young people in the ward who might be eligible.  A question was asked about other gifts such as music?  The response was given that this is important too and Lifelong Leisure and Learning are supporting other activities such as dance and the arts.  However, Fund for the Gifted is about sport.

11.9        Scheme suggestion 30: a grant application from Older Citizens Advocacy York.  A resident referred to this as one of the few older people’s projects.

11.10    Scheme suggestion 31: a grant application from York Rotters to teach “Compost – the mini-musical”.  Cllr. Brooks referred to how they had spoken eloquently for themselves.

11.11    Scheme suggestion 32: a grant application from Young People’s Service for continued provision of URBIE sessions within the wards.  Rachel Smith spoke on behalf of the application, referring to the intention of continuing sessions in Ashley Park and Osbaldwick and moving to the Dunnington area.

11.12    Scheme suggestion 34: a grant application from Dunnington Activity Park Committee.  A representative had been unable to attend.  The application was needed to carry out vital maintenance and safety work.       

11.13    Scheme suggestion 36: a grant application from Heworth Without Parish Council to replace 2 existing seats in play area with a gala seat and picnic table.  The cost should be £500 not £1,500 as stated in the insert

11.14    Scheme suggestion 37: a grant application from Heworth Christ Church to fund the provision of equipment and resources for use in the newly provided Youth Centre in the hut adjacent to the church buildings.  The application was for £3,000, not £1,000 as in the insert.


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