Agenda item

Local Improvement Schemes

Have your say on how the ward budget for 2010/11 should be spent and learn more about some of the scheme proposals.


4.1             Cllr. Kirk invited those present to speak to the list of scheme suggestions for 2010/11 short-listed in the October issue of Your Ward. She confirmed she had no personal interest to declare in any of the schemes.

4.2             Parish Councillor Peter Jesse spoke in favour of scheme suggestions 2 and 5: a grant application from Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council to erect an additional street light; and to position new vehicle activated signs in suitable locations in the ward respectively, to improve safety in the ward. He also emphasised the safety aspect of scheme 8: to investigate the feasibility of improving provision for cyclists in the ward including the conversion of the existing footpath between Towthorpe Lane crossroads and the Six Bells roundabout (Strensall Road) into a dual purpose pedestrian and cycle path.

4.3             Scheme suggestion 13: a grant application from Stockton and Hopgrove History Group to purchase a laptop and USB sticks for storing archives and giving presentations.  Terry Briggs said the Group has 20 members who meet alternate months.  The settlements are documented in the Doomesday Book.  The group has no facilities to record and store information on the history of the village and its families and other groups have such facilities.

4.4             Scheme suggestion 10: a grant application from Strensall and Towthorpe Sports Association.  The Association Chair, Tracey Dixon, said that, thanks to a previous ward committee grant, the clubhouse is now watertight.  There is some interest in hiring the clubhouse and in order to achieve this, heating and other facilities are required.

4.5             Scheme suggestion 11: a grant application from Hurst Hall Community Association to operate a children and young people’s chest.  Lynette Nelson reported that funding from the ward committee and parish council had enabled Hurst Hall to buy in other activities, thus expanding what is on offer.  They would like to go further with the chest, which the children and young people would allocate themselves.  The project would run for 10 months, allowing £250 per month.  She mentioned that children who attend Robert Wilkinson Primary School are now feeding into the older age group and that generally the children and young people come from a wider area than Strensall.

4.6             Scheme suggestion 14: a grant application from York Young People’s Service for continued provision of the URBIE bus in the ward.  This will allow continued provision of a 2 hour session in the ward every week, including detached youth work.

4.7             Scheme Strensall 09-09.  Efforts had been made throughout the year to bring a portakabin in the grounds of Robert Wilkinson School up to current health and safety standards; and to obtain appropriate planning permission.  As an alternative and more feasible option, it was announced that the budget of £4,715.23 be spent on providing staffing, resources, furniture and activitiesat Durlston Drive.

4.8             Scheme suggestion 15: a grant application from York and District Mind.  Cllr Kirk declared an interest as she has recently applied for membership.  A volunteer was present to support the scheme.  He referred to the small amount of funding involved in the application and the importance of removing the stigma of mental illness.  The support provided by York Mind also helps people who care for those experiencing mental ill-health.  One in four people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives and a number of ward residents have such difficulties.

4.9             Scheme suggestion 21: Strensall Bowling Club.  The Chair, Hugh Crawford, was present to support the application.  He referred to the bowling green as an oasis in the centre of Strensall.  The club needs to replace nine benches, which are well past their useful life, with new ones to benefit older and disabled players and spectators.

4.10        Scheme suggestion 17: a grant application from Earswick Parish Council to provide fitness equipment for mature residents of the village.  Parish Cllr. Malcolm Leach spoke in favour of this suggestion which will allow for the purchase of static equipment for more mature residents of the parish.

4.11        Scheme suggestion 18: a grant application from Holy Trinity Parochial Church Council (PCC), Stockton-on-the-Forest.  John Bond, representing the PCC, described how the new vicar had successfully engaged more young people and other groups so that the church building is at capacity.  The PCC are looking for help with replacing the guttering and down pipes.

4.12        Scheme suggestion 19: a grant application from Street Sport York to provide ten sports and other activities to young people in the ward at various times of the year.  A scheme had been approved in previous years and Allen Marsh from Street Sport reported that attendance at sessions in 2009 has increased from 2008.

4.13        Scheme suggestion 20: a grant application from Active York to support Fund for the Gifted.  This was supported in the current year.               


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