Agenda item

Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion under Standing Order 11:


A – Motions referred from the Executive in accordance with Standing Order 11(a)(i)




B – Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Orders 11(a)(ii)


(i)                 From Cllr Waller


“As councils across the country prepare for public spending cuts over the next few years, Council regrets that York is yet again being put at a disadvantage by unfair government funding formulas.


Council notes that

·        Despite the welcome announcement of extra funding for concessionary fares, the funding does not cover the £1.1m paid by local Council Tax payers to fund the service over the last six years.

·        Having paid over £15m in landfill taxes over the past 13 years, York has only received £2.5m in grants to help improve recycling.

·        York is still not getting a fair deal in its core funding from Government. This year York will receive £1.155m less than should have been allocated by the formula.


Council looks forward to a time when York receives a fair deal on funding from the government and instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State expressing the Council’s concerns.”


(ii)        From Cllr Scott


“Council notes that the Executive failed to change its decisions following the meeting of the Scrutiny Management Committee on the 26th October 2009.


Council further notes that, contrary to the decision of this Council, the Executive on the 17th November failed to follow an agreed motion to progress to a Quality Contract Scheme for bus operators in the City.


Council therefore resolves that the Executive reconsider those matters and recommends that the Executive change their decision to:


a)                 Set SMART objectives for assessing the effectiveness of tracting and promoting Green Jobs to the City.

b)                 Start the process for delivering a city centre pool by:

·        creating a leisure reserve from directorate under-spends and section 106 agreements

·        commissioning a report to identify city centre sites within the city centre for a community pool, with particular reference to Huntgate, and provide provisional designs.

·        Identifying the amount needed from reserves to enable such a report to be produced.


c)                 Progress with preparatory work for implementing a Quality Contract scheme within York, with a review to be conducted after the publication of the Department of Transport Guidance.


For the avoidance of doubt the following Councillors request the reconsideration of these decisions:


Cllr J Alexander

Cllr D Bowgett

Cllr B Boyce

Cllr R Cregan

Cllr S Crisp

Cllr H Douglas

Cllr S Fraser

Cllr T Funnell

Cllr J Gunnell

Cllr D Horton

Cllr K King

Cllr J Looker

Cllr D Merrett

Cllr R Pierce

Cllr R Potter

Cllr D Scott

Cllr T Simpson-Laing

Cllr B Watson”


(iii)       From Cllr Wiseman


“This Council notes with concern reports that the Ministry of Defence is examining closing RAF Linton-on-Ouse.  The effects of the closure of RAF Linton on the City of York would be significant, with the loss of 700 jobs and the loss of an estimated £25 million of economic activity that the base generates for the local economy.


The Council therefore asks the Chief Executive to write to the Minister of Defence in order to request a meeting with the appropriate party to enable CYC to make its representations to the MOD regarding possible closure of the base as early in the consultation process as possible."


(iv)       From Cllr Gunnell


“Council notes:


·        That York’s Local Area Agreement has set a target to reduce the numbers of 16-18 years olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) under National Indicator 117, a target which was not met last year and is not being met this year

·        As at the 15th October 2009 the City of York Council had only 21 Traineeships

·        Only 3 out of 5 directorates had Traineeships;

·        The impact of the economic downturn on training and employment opportunities for those that are NEET and those who have little or no work experience.


In response to this challenge, Council:


1.            Requests the Chief Executive to take the necessary action to devise a comprehensive and strategic programme to increase the number of traineeships within the city by:

·        Drawing up an action plan to increase the number of Traineeships, training and work experience placements available within the Council that:-

-         Involves all council directorates

-         Involves a wide range of council functions and disciplines

-         Has a full understanding and appreciation of the two distinct groups of vulnerable young people, those who fall out of education, employment and training and those with the potential to

-         Acknowledges the Council’s responsibilities as a Corporate Parent, ensuring that looked after children and care leavers are prioritised

-         Incorporates, utilises and achieves the Aims of the Councils Sustainability   Procurement Policy

-         Ensures that advertising opportunities on internet sites are relevant to this audience

·        Devising a mechanism to work in partnership with other large employers, interested smaller employers and educational establishment within the city to identify opportunities to increase the number of Traineeships


2.            Requests the Effective Organisation Overview and Scrutiny to consider devising how such a programme would be developed and implemented, before making recommendations to the Scrutiny Management Committee, which in turn will make recommendations to Full Council no later than April 2010.”


(v)        From Cllr Vassie


“As the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen approaches, Council recognises the need to send a clear message to the Government that the public expect a global deal to reduce carbon emissions.


Council therefore resolves to join the 963 local authorities across Europe, representing over 130 million people, in signing up to the Covenant of Mayors, signalling the clear intention of local people to tackle climate change on a local level and sending the message that similar action on an international level is expected from national governments.


Council also requests that Officers report to the Executive on how energy consumption can be reduced at Listed buildings in the City.”


(i)            Government funding


            It was moved by Cllr Waller and seconded by Cllr Moore that:


“As councils across the country prepare for public spending cuts over the next few years, Council regrets that York is yet again being put at a disadvantage by unfair government funding formulas.


Council notes that

·        Despite the welcome announcement of extra funding for concessionary fares, the funding does not cover the £1.1m paid by local Council Tax payers to fund the service over the last six years.

·        Having paid over £15m in landfill taxes over the past 13 years, York has only received £2.5m in grants to help improve recycling.

·        York is still not getting a fair deal in its core funding from Government. This year York will receive £1.155m less than should have been allocated by the formula.


Council looks forward to a time when York receives a fair deal on funding from the government and instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State expressing the Council’s concerns.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was


            RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion be approved. 1


(ii)            Executive Decisions


            It was moved by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Simpson-Laing that:


“Council notes that the Executive failed to change its decisions following the meeting of the Scrutiny Management Committee on the 26th October 2009.


Council further notes that, contrary to the decision of this Council, the Executive on the 17th November failed to follow an agreed motion to progress to a Quality Contract Scheme for bus operators in the City.


Council therefore resolves that the Executive reconsider those matters and recommends that the Executive change their decision to:


a)                 Set SMART objectives for assessing the effectiveness of attracting and promoting Green Jobs to the City.

b)                 Start the process for delivering a city centre pool by:

·        creating a leisure reserve from directorate under-spends and section 106 agreements

·        commissioning a report to identify city centre sites within the city centre for a community pool, with particular reference to Hungate, and provide provisional designs.

·        Identifying the amount needed from reserves to enable such a report to be produced.


c)                 Progress with preparatory work for implementing a Quality Contract scheme within York, with a review to be conducted after the publication of the Department of Transport Guidance.


For the avoidance of doubt the following Councillors request the reconsideration of these decisions:


Cllr J Alexander

Cllr D Bowgett

Cllr B Boyce

Cllr R Cregan

Cllr S Crisp

Cllr H Douglas

Cllr S Fraser

Cllr T Funnell

Cllr J Gunnell

Cllr D Horton

Cllr K King

Cllr J Looker

Cllr D Merrett

Cllr R Pierce

Cllr R Potter

Cllr D Scott

Cllr T Simpson-Laing

Cllr B Watson”


            On being put to the vote, the motion was declared LOST and it was


            RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion not be approved.


(iii)       RAF Linton-on-Ouse


A notice of motion had been submitted by Cllr Wiseman in the following terms:


“This Council notes with concern reports that the Ministry of Defence is examining closing RAF Linton-on-Ouse.  The effects of the closure of RAF Linton on the City of York would be significant, with the loss of 700 jobs and the loss of an estimated £25 million of economic activity that the base generates for the local economy.


The Council therefore asks the Chief Executive to write to the Minister of Defence in order to request a meeting with the appropriate party to enable CYC to make its representations to the MOD regarding possible closure of the base as early in the consultation process as possible."


Cllr Wiseman now sought leave to alter the above motion to read as follows:


“This Council notes with concern reports that the Ministry of Defence is examining closing RAF Linton-on-Ouse.  The effects of the closure of RAF Linton on the City of York would be significant, with the loss of 700 jobs and the loss of an estimated £25 million of economic activity that the base generates from the local economy.


The Council therefore asks the Chief Executive to invite the Chief Executive of North Yorkshire County Council to join with her in writingto the Ministry of Defence in order to request a meeting with the appropriate party to enable CYC and NYCC to make their representations to the MOD regarding possible closure of the base as early in the consultation process as possible.”


Council having agreed to that alteration, Cllr Wiseman moved, and Cllr Hudson seconded, the motion as altered.


On being put to the vote, the altered motion was declared CARRIED and it was


            RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion be approved. 2


[Note: Cllr Watt, having declared a prejudicial interest in the above notice of motion, left the Chamber during consideration of the motion and took no part in the discussions or decisions thereon.]


(iv)            Young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs)


A notice of motion had been submitted by Cllr Gunnell the following terms:


“Council notes:


·        That York’s Local Area Agreement has set a target to reduce the numbers of 16-18 years olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) under National Indicator 117, a target which was not met last year and is not being met this year

·        As at the 15th October 2009 the City of York Council had only 21 Traineeships

·        Only 3 out of 5 directorates had Traineeships;

·        The impact of the economic downturn on training and employment opportunities for those that are NEET and those who have little or no work experience.


In response to this challenge, Council:


1.         Requests the Chief Executive to take the necessary action to devise a comprehensive and strategic programme to increase the number of traineeships within the city by:

·        Drawing up an action plan to increase the number of Traineeships, training and work experience placements available within the Council that:-

-         Involves all council directorates

-         Involves a wide range of council functions and disciplines

-         Has a full understanding and appreciation of the two distinct groups of vulnerable young people, those who fall out of education, employment and training and those with the potential to

-         Acknowledges the Council’s responsibilities as a Corporate Parent, ensuring that looked after children and care leavers are prioritised

-         Incorporates, utilises and achieves the Aims of the Councils Sustainability   Procurement Policy

-         Ensures that advertising opportunities on internet sites are relevant to this audience

·        Devising a mechanism to work in partnership with other large employers, interested smaller employers and educational establishment within the city to identify opportunities to increase the number of Traineeships


2.         Requests the Effective Organisation Overview and Scrutiny to consider devising how such a programme would be developed and implemented, before making recommendations to the Scrutiny Management Committee, which in turn will make recommendations to Full Council no later than April 2010.”


Cllr Gunnell now sought leave to alter the above motion to read as follows:


“Council notes:


·        That York’s Local Area Agreement has set a target to reduce the numbers of 16-18 years olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) under National Indicator 117, a target which was not met last year and is not being met this year

·        As at the 15th October 2009 the City of York Council had only 21 Traineeships

·        Only 3 out of 5 directorates had Traineeships;

·        The impact of the economic downturn on training and employment opportunities for those that are NEET and those who have little or no work experience.


In response to this challenge, Council:


1.         Requests the Chief Executive to take the necessary action to devise a comprehensive and strategic programme to increase the number of traineeships within the city by:

·        Drawing up an action plan to increase the number of Traineeships, training and work experience placements available within the Council that:-

-         Involves all council directorates

-         Involves a wide range of council functions and disciplines

-         Has a full understanding and appreciation of the two distinct groups of vulnerable young people, those who fall out of education, employment and training and those with the potential to

-         Acknowledges the Council’s responsibilities as a Corporate Parent, ensuring that looked after children and care leavers are prioritised

-         Incorporates, utilises and achieves the Aims of the Councils Sustainability   Procurement Policy

-         Ensures that advertising opportunities on internet sites are relevant to this audience

·        Devising a mechanism to work in partnership with other large employers, interested smaller employers and educational establishment within the city to identify opportunities to increase the number of Traineeships


2.            Requests the Effective Organisation Overview and Scrutiny to consider devising how such a programme would be developed and implemented, before making recommendations to the Scrutiny Management Committee, which in turn will make recommendations to the Executive and Full Council no later than April 2010.”


Council having agreed to that alteration, Cllr Gunnell moved, and Cllr Fraser seconded, the motion as altered.


On being put to the vote, the altered motion was declared LOST and it was


            RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion not be approved.


At this point in the meeting, the guillotine fell and the following motion and amendment were deemed to have been moved and seconded and were voted upon without debate.


(v)            Covenant of Mayors


            Motion submitted by Cllr Vassie:


“As the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen approaches, Council recognises the need to send a clear message to the Government that the public expect a global deal to reduce carbon emissions.


Council therefore resolves to join the 963 local authorities across Europe, representing over 130 million people, in signing up to the Covenant of Mayors, signalling the clear intention of local people to tackle climate change on a local level and sending the message that similar action on an international level is expected from national governments.


Council also requests that Officers report to the Executive on how energy consumption can be reduced at Listed buildings in the City.”


Amendment submitted by Cllr Merrett:


“In the second paragraph, after ‘Covenant of Mayors’,  insert:

‘and to the Friends of the Earth 'Get serious about Co2 campaign'.

To the end of the third paragraph, add:

‘and to discuss with the 'Without Walls' partners, local businesses and organisations about how York can deliver  a  minimum 40% reduction of CO2 emissions from York by 2020, and the production of an action plan to deliver that reduction.’”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared CARRIED.


The motion, as amended, now read as follows:


As the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen approaches, Council recognises the need to send a clear message to the Government that the public expect a global deal to reduce carbon emissions.


Council therefore resolves to join the 963 local authorities across Europe, representing over 130 million people, in signing up to the Covenant of Mayors and to the Friends of the Earth 'Get serious about Co2 campaign', signalling the clear intention of local people to tackle climate change on a local level and sending the message that similar action on an international level is expected from national governments.3


Council also requests that Officers report to the Executive on how energy consumption can be reduced at Listed buildings in the City and to discuss with the 'Without Walls' partners, local businesses and organisations about how York can deliver a minimum 40% reduction of CO2 emissions from York by 2020, and the production of an action plan to deliver that reduction.”4


The motion, as amended, was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the above notice of motion, as amended, be approved. 3-4


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