Agenda item

Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion under Standing Order 12:


A – Motions referred from the Executive in accordance with Standing Order 12.1(a)




B – Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Orders 12.1(b)


(i)                 From Cllr Waller


“Council notes:


1.     The suspension of the development of York Central by Network Rail and the National Railway Museum (National Museums of Science and Industry) due to the current difficult economic climate.

2.     The importance of the York Central site to the long term economic interests of the city and to the wider region.

3.     The progress that has been made by the York Central Board.


Council calls for the York Central Board to remain in operation to aid with:

1.      The promotion and development of the site

2.      Maintaining work on the development potential of the site with partner

3.      Examination of funding sources, and mechanisms, for infrastructure costs associated with the development of the site.”


(ii)        From Cllr Potter


“The UK has ambitious targets to reduce damaging greenhouse gases over the coming decades, most notably to reduce its own share by 80% by 2050 below 1990 levels.


Council believes every individual and every organisation, both large and small, has a responsibility to contribute to this reduction, as this is the only way both short and long-term targets will be achieved.


The current 10:10 campaign is targeting individuals, schools, hospitals businesses and every other type of organisation to get them to commit to reducing their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010.


Council recognises the importance of collective action, and importantly of its own ability to show leadership by signing up to the campaign.  In doing so, Council is signalling its serious intent to reduce its impact on the environment, whilst also benefiting the tax payer by saving money.”


Council therefore resolves to sign up to the 10:10 campaign immediately, and to task officers with setting out within three months the action required to ensure Council achieves this target.”


(iii)       From Cllr Gillies


“The new scrutiny format has made the institution of the Shadow Executive redundant.  The Council therefore moves to amend the Constitution to abolish the role of Shadow Executive with immediate effect and with the consequence of not paying special responsibility allowances for Shadow Executive spokespersons.


The Council therefore instructs the Monitoring Officer, in accordance with the powers under Article 16 of the Constitution, to effect the necessary changes to the Constitution and to report back upon the details to the Executive in due course.”



(iv)       From Cllr Scott


“Council calls upon the Chief Executive of the City of York Council to write in support of the campaign to ensure that York residents retain their 15% discount from Yorkshire Water as agreed at the time of the merger.”




(v)        From Cllr Reid


“Council notes that good progress is already being made towards meeting the authority’s target of 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2013 through the Carbon Management Programme developed in conjunction with the Carbon Trust and approved by the Council Executive in March 2009.


Council recognises the role that signing up to the 10:10 campaign can have, both locally and nationally, in driving forward cuts in CO2 emissions and showing the desire for national and international action on climate change.


Council resolves to sign up to the 10:10 campaign and to continue the work currently underway to help residents reduce their own emissions.”  


Note: this motion may be ruled out of order by the Lord Mayor at the meeting, on the basis that, if put to Council, it would be substantially repetitious of motion (ii) above in the name of Councillor Potter.   


(i)         York Central


            It was moved by Cllr Waller and seconded by Cllr Steve Galloway that:


“Council notes:


1.     The suspension of the development of York Central by Network Rail and the National Railway Museum (National Museums of Science and Industry) due to the current difficult economic climate.

2.   The importance of the York Central site to the long term economic interests of the city and to the wider region.

3.   The progress that has been made by the York Central Board.


Council calls for the York Central Board to remain in operation to aid with:

1.      The promotion and development of the site

2.      Maintaining work on the development potential of the site with partner

3.      Examination of funding sources, and mechanisms, for infrastructure costs associated with the development of the site.” 1


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion be approved. 1


(ii)        10:10 Campaign to Reduce Carbon Emissions (Cllr Potter)


A notice of motion had been submitted by Cllr Potter in the following terms:


“The UK has ambitious targets to reduce damaging greenhouse gases over the coming decades, most notably to reduce its own share by 80% by 2050 below 1990 levels.


Council believes every individual and every organisation, both large and small, has a responsibility to contribute to this reduction, as this is the only way both short and long-term targets will be achieved.


The current 10:10 campaign is targeting individuals, schools, hospitals businesses and every other type of organisation to get them to commit to reducing their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010.


Council recognises the importance of collective action, and importantly of its own ability to show leadership by signing up to the campaign.  In doing so, Council is signalling its serious intent to reduce its impact on the environment, whilst also benefiting the tax payer by saving money.”


Council therefore resolves to sign up to the 10:10 campaign immediately, and to task officers with setting out within three months the action required to ensure Council achieves this target.”


Cllr Potter now sought leave to alter the above motion, to read as follows:


“The UK has ambitious targets to reduce damaging greenhouse gases over the coming decades, most notably to reduce its own share by 80% by 2050 below 1990 levels.


Council believes every individual and every organisation, both large and small, has a responsibility to contribute to this reduction, as this is the only way both short and long-term targets will be achieved.


The current 10:10 campaign is targeting individuals, schools, hospitals businesses and every other type of organisation to get them to commit to reducing their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010.


Council recognises the importance of collective action, and importantly of its own ability to show leadership by signing up to the campaign.  In doing so, Council is signalling its serious intent to reduce its impact on the environment, whilst also benefiting the tax payer by saving money.”


Council therefore resolves to sign up to the 10:10 campaign immediately, and to invite the Executive to task officers with setting out within three months the action required to ensure Council achieves this target.”


Council having agreed to that alteration, Cllr Potter moved, and Cllr Vassie seconded, the motion as altered.


Cllr Healey then moved, and Cllr Horton seconded, an amendment to the above motion, as follows:


“In the third line of the last paragraph:

-         insert the word ‘costed’ after the word ‘the’

-         delete the word ‘action’ and substitute ‘actions’.”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared CARRIED.


The motion, as amended, now read as follows:


“The UK has ambitious targets to reduce damaging greenhouse gases over the coming decades, most notably to reduce its own share by 80% by 2050 below 1990 levels.


Council believes every individual and every organisation, both large and small, has a responsibility to contribute to this reduction, as this is the only way both short and long-term targets will be achieved.


The current 10:10 campaign is targeting individuals, schools, hospitals businesses and every other type of organisation to get them to commit to reducing their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010.


Council recognises the importance of collective action, and importantly of its own ability to show leadership by signing up to the campaign.  In doing so, Council is signalling its serious intent to reduce its impact on the environment, whilst also benefiting the tax payer by saving money.”


Council therefore resolves to sign up to the 10:10 campaign immediately, and to invite the Executive to task officers with setting out within three months the costed actions required to ensure Council achieves this target.”


Cllr Reid then moved, and Cllr Holvey seconded, a further amendment, as follows:


“After the first paragraph insert:

‘Council looks forward to the government implementing a series of annual targets and projects to meet the long term targets, in the way that the council has done for the 25% reduction in CO2 by 2013.’

At the beginning of the second paragraph insert the words:

‘In the mean time’


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared CARRIED.


The motion, as amended, now read as follows:


“The UK has ambitious targets to reduce damaging greenhouse gases over the coming decades, most notably to reduce its own share by 80% by 2050 below 1990 levels.


Council looks forward to the government implementing a series of annual targets and projects to meet the long term targets, in the way that the council has done for the 25% reduction in CO2 by 2013.


In the mean time Council believes every individual and every organisation, both large and small, has a responsibility to contribute to this reduction, as this is the only way both short and long-term targets will be achieved.


The current 10:10 campaign is targeting individuals, schools, hospitals businesses and every other type of organisation to get them to commit to reducing their carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010.


Council recognises the importance of collective action, and importantly of its own ability to show leadership by signing up to the campaign.  In doing so, Council is signalling its serious intent to reduce its impact on the environment, whilst also benefiting the tax payer by saving money.


Council therefore resolves to sign up to the 10:10 campaign immediately, and to invite the Executiveto task officers with setting out within three months the costed actions required to ensure Council achieves this target.” 2


The motion, as amended, was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion be approved. 2


(iii)            Yorkshire Water Discount


            It was moved by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Crisp that:


“Council calls upon the Chief Executive of the City of York Council to write in support of the campaign to ensure that York residents retain their 15% discount from Yorkshire Water as agreed at the time of the merger.” 3


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED:            That the above notice of motion be approved. 3


(iv)      10:10 Campaign to Reduce Carbon Emissions (Cllr Reid)


The Lord Mayor ruled out of order the Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr Reid in respect of the 10:10 Campaign to reduce carbon emissions, on the grounds that, if put to Council, it would be substantially repetitious of the motion moved by Cllr Potter, which had already been approved.


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