Agenda item

Land Lying To The East of Bramley Garth, York. (09/00462/OUT)


Members considered an application for a residential development on land lying to the east of Bramley Garth(access off Bad Bargain Lane) and the erection of 24 two bedroom bungalows, suitable for occupation by older people and the disabled.


Officers answered a query from Members on the fact that a sustainability statement was not included with the application and on whether this was suitable grounds to reject the application. Officers explained that this was a local rather than a national requirement and would not form a sound basis for refusing the application, particularly as the requirements could be addressed through conditions, if planning permission were to be granted.  In response to a question regarding the drainage of the site, officers explained that this could not be reasonably be addressed through a planning condition as a technical solution may not necessarily exist, hence this issue forms one of the reasons for refusing the application.


Members queried the sense of the applicants proceeding with the speculative application given that the Officers report had not found any reasons to grant it. Officers replied that the applicants had been given pre-application advice, but that obviously they had chosen to proceed with an application regardless of the negative response given.


RESOLVED: That the application be refused.1


REASON:      The application site is located outside of the built up areas of the settlement and area of Green Belt on the City of York Draft Local Plan (CYDLP), wherein new housing would constitute inappropriate development except in very special circumstances, which would not have been demonstrated in this instance.  Furthermore the proposed development, by reason of its size, scale and location, together with the loss of existing landscape features, would detract from the visual amenities and open character of this Green Belt location.  The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies GB1 and GB6 of the CYDLP and national advice contained with Planning Policy Guidance 2 “Green Belts”.


                        The proposed development of 24 dwellings is above the threshold of 15 dwellings whereby affordable housing should be provided as part of the development.  The proposal makes no provision for affordable housing and is therefore contrary to Policy H2a of the City of York Draft Local Plan, the City of York Affordable Housing Advice Note July 2005 and national advice contained with paragraph 27 of the Planning Policy Statement 3 “Housing”.


                        Insufficient drainage details have been submitted to show how foul and surface water generated by the proposal would be properly attenuated and how flood risk from all sources to the development itself and to others will be managed.  The application therefore conflicts with Central Government advice contained with Planning Policy Statement 25 “Development and Flood Risk” Policy of GP15a of the City of York Draft Local Plan and the Council’s adopted Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.


                        No details of the proposed siting, scale or fenestration of the proposed dwellings has been provided to demonstrate that the development would not adversely affect the residential amenities of the surrounding occupiers and future residents of the new dwellings.  The proposal would therefore be contrary to Police GP1(paragraphs b and I) of the City of York Draft Local Plan.

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