Agenda item

Land Lying To The Rear Of 14 to 18 Agar Street (06/00795/FUL)


Members considered a full application fo the erection of 7 no. town houses with associated access road, car parking and cycle storage, submitted by Mack and Lawler Builders Ltd.


Officers updated Members that additional highway conditions would need to be added to any approval and these are listed below;


1          Prior to the development coming into use, all areas used by vehicles shall be surfaced, sealed and positively drained within the site, in accordance with the approved plans.


Reason:   To prevent the egress of water and loose material onto the public highway.


 2         No part of the site shall come into use until the turning areas have been provided  in accordance with the approved plans. Thereafter the turning areas shall be retained free of all obstructions and used solely for the intended purpose.


Reason:   To enable vehicles to enter and leave the site in a forward gear thereby ensuring the safe and free passage of traffic on the public highway.


 3         Prior to the development commencing full detailed drawings showing the design and materials for roads, footways, and other highway areas (and which shall comply with the requirements set out in the NYCC Residential Design Guide and Specification - second edition) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Such roads, footways and other highway areas shall be constructed in accordance with such approved plans prior to the occupation of any dwelling which requires access from or along that highway.


Reason:  In the interests of good planning and road safety.


4          Prior to the development commencing details of the measures to be employed to prevent the egress of mud, water and other detritus onto the public highway, and details of the measures to be employed to remove any such substance from the public highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such measures as shall have been approved shall be employed and adhered to at all times during construction works.


Reason:  To prevent the egress of water and loose material creating a hazard on the public highway.


5          The dwellings hereby approved shall not be occupied until the following highway works (which definition shall include works associated with any Traffic Regulation Order required as a result of the development, signing, lighting, drainage and other related works) have been carried out in accordance with the approved plans, or arrangements entered into which ensure the same.


A Traffic Regulation Order, to ensure that waiting restrictions are in place along the site access road prior to the occupation of the dwellings.


Reason: In the interests of the safe and free passage of highway users.


INFORMATIVE - Because of the central location of the site, the access road is likely to be immediately subject to commuter parking unless waiting restrictions are introduced at the start of occupation. The Traffic Regulation Order would ensure that yellow lines are in place prior to occupation of any of the properties. All associated costs would be met by the developer.


6          Prior to works starting on site a dilapidation survey of the highways adjoining the site shall be jointly undertaken with the Council and the results of which shall be agreed in writing with the LPA.


Reason:   In the interests of the safety and good management of the public highway.



That the application be approved in line with the conditions and informatives outlined in the report ans those conditions listed above.



That sites other than Glen Gardens be investigated for investment of the developer financial contributions.



The proposal is considered to be a satisfactory use of this city centre site for the provision of family size housing in a sustainable location.

Supporting documents:


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