Agenda item

Review of the Issue of New Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences.

This report provides Members with additional information on which to base a decision with respect to the issue of new Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences.


Members received a report, which provided them with additional information on which to base a decision with respect to the issue of new Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences.  It contained information regarding a survey of un-met demand and the results of consultation with those waiting to be issued with a licence.  This was in response to a request from the York Taxi Association to curtail the issue of any new Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licenses due to the current economic climate.


Three members of the public had registered to speak on this item:


Mr Phillips, York Taxi Association, stated that he endorsed the findings in the Halcrow report and drew Members’ attention to the impact that the current economic situation was having on business.  He urged that the current policy be suspended.


Mr S Robinson, taxi driver, drew Members’ attention to the reduction in drivers’ income and the short waiting times for passengers.  He stated that the service currently offered was more than adequate and urged Members to support Option 1 in the report.


Mr K Hatfield, Director of Station Taxis, informed Members that takings were considerably lower and drivers were working longer hours. He drew attention to particular issues in respect of the station, including the problems with the exit.  He stated that there was no unmet demand at the station. Mr Hatfield asked Members to support Option 1 in the report.


Members sought advice from the Legal Officer regarding the implications of suspending the existing policy.  Members were reminded that in May 2008 a policy had been agreed whereby there would be a managed release of licences over time.  It had been agreed that the policy would be reviewed in three years.  Although Members had the option to review policies at any time it should be noted that a decision to suspend the policy could be challenged in court.    Members were advised to consider whether the absence of unmet demand identified by Halcrow in the survey taken together with other consultation, justified any change to the policy adopted last year. The evidential base had to be robust.  Technical advice may need to be sought regarding an appropriate evidential base.


Members expressed their concern at the impact that the current financial situation was having on the taxi trade and were keen to support the trade if possible.  They were, however, mindful of the possibility of legal challenge if the policy were to be suspended and the financial implications of such a challenge.


Discussion took place as to whether it would be appropriate to seek further evidence to support a suspension of the current policy.  Officers advised that a more rigorous study could be carried out but that this would incur financial costs.


Consideration was given to the three options detailed in the report:


Option 1 – suspend the current policy for 12 months (or some other time

                   period as determined)


Option 2 – suspend the current policy indefinitely


Option 3 – continue with the current policy and issue 2 new vehicle licences

                   on 1 July 2009 and thereafter at 6 monthly intervals until, and

                   including, 1 January 2011 after which a further unmet demand

                   survey be undertaken.


Discussion took place regarding possible amendments to Option 3.  It was agreed that there was a need to continue with the existing arrangements at this time but that further evidence should be gathered prior to a decision being taken as to whether to continue with the existing policy in the longer term.


RESOLVED:That the current policy continue and that 2 new vehicle licenses be issued on 1 July 2009 but that officers be instructed to continue, in consultation with taxi proprietors and Halcrow, to review the situation and the evidence base, prior to the scheduled release of licences in January 2010.


REASON:      To enable officers to manage the issue of licences and the trade to plan future business development.

Supporting documents:


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