Agenda item

Land To The West Of Metcalfe Lane, Osbaldwick, York.

A full application for the erection of a two storey building containing a single storey plant room and two storey ancillary community facility with separate foul water pumping station and access road. [Osbaldwick Ward]


Members considered a full application for the erection of a two storey building containing a single storey plant room and two storey ancillary  community facility with separate foul water pumping station and access road. The community facility consists of a lobby with seating area and an office on the ground floor. The first floor would contain a viewing gallery and a large multi-purpose room which could be used for a variety of community uses.


Officers reminded members that the site has outline planning consent for 540 houses and a community facility site. Members were updated that Drainage had no objections but had added another condition.


Representations in objection to the application were heard from a local resident who represents Meadlands Residents Association who expressed concern at this further application being made for a Community Facility following a previous additional application for Temple Avenue and the initial application for 540 houses. He suggested that the application should be rejected until all the issues surrounding traffic, sustainability, drainage and hedge management are resolved.


Representations in objection were also heard from York Natural Environment Trust who object in principle to the development of the land.


Representations in support of the application were heard from the applicant who advised that the biomass boiler included in the application would assist in achieving the eco-homes targets required under the Section 106 agreement for the site. The applicant confirmed he would be happy to have a BREEAM rating of very good for the building as a condition.


Members queried why no sustainability statement had been submitted for the application. Officers advised that although no statement had been received, sustainability had been addressed as the development in itself is sustainable.


Members queried whether treatment of the boundary hedge could be conditioned, Officers confirmed it could.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the Officers report and the following additional conditions:1


                                    Condition 12 – Development shall not begin until details of foul and surface water drainage works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and carried out in accordance with the approved details.


                                    Reason – So that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with these details for the proper drainage of the site.


                                    Condition 13 – Details of all means of enclosure to the site boundaries shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development commences and shall be provided before the development first comes into use.


                                    Reason – In the interests of visual amenities of the area.


                                    Condition 14 – Prior to the commencement of development, the developer shall submit for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority a preliminary BREEAM Design and Procurement stage assessment for the development. This shall indicate that a minimum ‘Very Good’ rating will be achieved under the appropriate code. This shall be followed by the submission of a BREEAM Post Construction Review and a BREEAM Certificate for this review shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority after completion of the building. Both assessments shall confirm that the minimum ‘Very Good’ rating indicated in the preliminary BREEAM Design and Procurement assessment submitted with the application.


                                    Reason – In order to create sustainable development.


                                    REASON       In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


                                    -the principle of development


                                    -design/visual amenity

                                    -environmental health;

                                    -sustainability; and



                                    As such the proposal complies with Policies GP1, GP4a, NE7 and C1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan.




Supporting documents:


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