Agenda item

Former Piggeries Rear Of Willow Court, Main Street, Holtby, York. (08/01446/FULM)

Major full application for the change of use and conversion of existing redundant buildings at former pig farm to Class B (storage and distribution), along with associated access, landscaping and parking. [Derwent Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application for the change of use of dilapidated pig rearing buildings to commercial storage. None of the buildings would be extended but would need building works to bring them up to the required standard. A communal toilet block would be constructed to serve the development.  Other proposed works include new hard-standings, turning areas, parking spaces, access-ways, fencing, external lighting, cycle parking, drainage and landscaping.


Officers updated that two further letters of objection had been received and that there would be grounds for refusal of the application under Holtby Village Design Statement.


Representations in objection to the application were heard from the Parish Council who advised that 80 residents had objected to the proposal due to considerable concern regarding the potential for an increase in traffic going through the village. Representation in objection to the application was also heard from the Ward Member who raised concerns mainly regarding the visual impact of the proposed buildings on the Green Belt and Holtby Village as the site is clearly visible from the road.


Representations in support of the application were heard from the applicant who advised that the site is a problem as it is difficult to find an alternative use. He advised that he had looked at similar sites nationally and that the application had been carefully considered and would be a suitable use.


Members queried the possible impact on Holtby village should the site return to farming and debated that any use would increase traffic and impact visually on the area due to the location of the site.


Certain members sympathised with the applicants plight and felt that they could support the application as a use needs to be found for the site due to its current unsightly appearance.


Other Members felt that the use applied for was unsuitable due to its location and likely impact on Holtby and the Green Belt.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.1


REASON:                  1.It is considered that the nature and scale of the proposed development and the associated uses of land, together with the prominent location of the site, would give the site an overtly commercial character, out of keeping with the rural character of Holtby village and the surrounding area, contrary to national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 1 (“Delivering Sustainable Development”), policy GP1 of the Draft City of York Local Plan and design guidelines contained within the Holtby Village Design Statement (2005).


                                    2.It is considered that the nature and scale of the proposed development and the associated uses of the land, together with the prominent location of the site, would have a materially greater impact than the present use on the openness of the Green Belt. The proposal therefore constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt, contrary to national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Guidance Note 2 (“Green Belts”) and policies SP6, GB1 and GB3 of the Draft City of York Local Plan and design guidelines contained within the Holtby Village Design Statement (2005).


                                    3.The applicant has not demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the buildings are of permanent and substantial construction and are capable of conversion without major or complete reconstruction. The proposal therefore constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt, contrary to national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Guidance Note 2 (“Green Belts”) and policies SP6, GB1 and GB3 of the Draft City of York Local Plan.


                                    4.The site is in a remote location with inadequate cycle and pedestrian facilities within the adjacent public highway network and lack of convenient public transport connections. Bearing in mind these local constraints  the applicant has not demonstrated that the proposal constitutes a sustainable form of development in accordance with national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 (“Transport”) and policy GP4a of the Draft City of York Local Plan.


                                    5.The site is directly served by a derestricted and unlit road with no dedicated cycle and pedestrian facilities. Bearing in mind these local constraints the applicant has not demonstrated the proposal is suitable in terms of highway safety and security, having particular regard to its year round use with associated traffic movements into/out of the site during the hours of darkness.


                                    6.Insufficient drainage details have been submitted to show how foul and surface water generated by the proposal would be properly attenuated and how flood risk from all sources to the development itself and to others will be managed. The application therefore conflicts with the national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 25, policy GP15a of the Draft Local Plan and the council’s adopted Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

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