Agenda item

Re-structure of Scrutiny and Decision Making Process

To consider a report of the Head of Civic, Legal and Democratic Services, which presents the conclusions of the Working Group tasked with making recommendations regarding the re-structuring of Scrutiny and the Executive Member decision making process.


Cllr Galvin moved, and Cllr Wiseman seconded, the following recommendations contained in a report of the Head of Civic, Legal and Democratic Services, presenting the recommendations of the Working Group tasked with making recommendations on the re-structuring of Scrutiny and the Executive Member decision making process:


“(1)      That Council authorises the Monitoring Officer to make the following necessary constitutional changes to be put into operational effect after the Annual meeting in May 2009:


                                i)            Public monthly individual Executive Member Decision Making Sessions held on Tuesdays (minor timetabling requirements to be agreed with Democratic Services Manager)


                              ii)            A public on-line information log for ‘information only’ reports


                            iii)            A Scrutiny Management Committee of 10 members on 4:4:1:1 basis, to include one Member from each of the new scrutiny committees and be set up with the functions and delegated powers agreed by Council in January 2009


                            iv)            5 scrutiny Committees of either 8 or 7 members in principle (subject to proportionality details being resolved at Annual Council in May 2009), to be set up with the functions and delegated powers agreed by Council in January 2009


                              v)            external expert advisors to scrutiny from local universities (pro bono excluding expenses), subject to further investigation by the Chief Executive


(2)   Council to commission a report to Audit & Governance Committee investigating a corporate approach to handing petitions (including establishing a public on-line corporate register).”


Cllr Steve Galloway then moved, and Cllr Reid seconded, an amendment to the above motion, as follows:


“Add the following paragraph to the proposal:

“(3)      That the Chairs of the scrutiny committees be allocated to the Groups represented on the Council broadly in proportion to their strengths (i.e. SMC Chair - Conservative. Scrutiny Committees - 2 Labour Chairs, 2 LibDem Chairs and 1 Green Chair) Detailed allocation of the scrutiny committee chairs to be subject to further discussion between the Groups prior to the Council’s Annual Meeting.”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


Cllr Scott then moved, and Cllr Potter, seconded, the following amendment to the above motion:

“In paragraph (1), sub-paragraph iii., delete ‘10’ and substitute ‘8’ and delete ‘4:4:1:1’ and substitute ‘3:3:1:1’.

Insert an additional sub-paragraph, as follows:

‘vi.       That the Chairs of all Scrutiny Committees must be from members of main Opposition parties and in a proportion to be agreed between the parties.’”


On being put to the vote, that amendment was declared CARRIED.


The motion, as amended, now read as follows:


“(1)      That Council authorises the Monitoring Officer to make the following necessary constitutional changes to be put into operational effect after the Annual meeting in May 2009: 1


i)          Public monthly individual Executive Member Decision Making Sessions held on Tuesdays (minor timetabling requirements to be agreed with Democratic Services Manager)


ii)            A public on-line information log for ‘information only’ reports


iii)        A Scrutiny Management Committee of 8 members on 3:3:1:1 basis, to include one Member from each of the new scrutiny committees and be set up with the functions and delegated powers agreed by Council in January 2009


iv)        5 scrutiny Committees of either 8 or 7 members in principle (subject to proportionality details being resolved at Annual Council in May 2009), to be set up with the functions and delegated powers agreed by Council in January 2009


v)         external expert advisors to scrutiny from local universities (pro bono excluding expenses), subject to further investigation by the Chief Executive


vi)        That the Chairs of all Scrutiny Committees must be from members of main Opposition parties and in a proportion to be agreed between the parties


(2)            Council to commission a report to Audit & Governance Committee investigating a corporate approach to handing petitions (including establishing a public on-line corporate register).”  2


On being put to the vote the motion, as amended, was declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations, as amended, be approved. 1-2

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