Agenda item

2009-2010 Budget Decisions

Consideration of proposed budget schemes.


Consideration of proposed budget schemes.


  • HF09-24 and HF09-25: Budget is tight. HF09-24 benefits a wider range of people, whereas HF-09-25 is aimed at the elderly. We thought that the schemes should be for all.


Cllr. Keith Aspden declared a non-prejudicial personal interest as a member of Fulford Parish Council and as a member of York Credit Union.

Call for questions


Q. What is the point of these schemes? Are they cost effective?

  • Bids are from applicants. They received a large number of votes and we tend to go with that.

Q. Fulford and Heslington has limited funding. If we put in money, what guarantee is there that we will benefit proportionately from city-wide schemes and organisations? Do we get what we pay for?

  • If a grant is given, it is on a ring fenced basis, to guarantee value for Fulford-Heslington. 

Q. Other sources of funding are possible surely?

  • Yes, but not for this in Heslington and Fulford.  They won’t happen unless we fund them.

Q. Will they make sure that Heslington/Fulford residents are made aware of the existence of these schemes?

  • Yes, this is part of the bid.

Q. We need more feedback on the voting process and the results. They are easily forgotten.

  • That information is given at Ward Committee meetings.  It is public information, and we generally go along with voting unless a scheme is below the criteria for grant bids.


Action: We should look into alternatives and better ways of providing this information.  But there isn’t really room to include it in Your Ward.


Q. Re: HF-09-05: How many, and what kind of trees for this money?

  • We will consult on where trees are to be planted and seek informed opinion on what kind of trees are appropriate.


  • The budget is not yet approved.  Views will be consulted on further developments.

Q. Re HF09-01: again, how many benches does this money buy us?

  • Well, its about £4-600 per bench.  Any input on this information is welcome.

Q. How are the compost bins distributed?

  • On a first come - first served basis at Ward Committee meetings.  Any other suggestions will be considered.

Q. Well that’s not really fair on everyone.

  • Recycling is a community issue. Everyone benefits and it has been voted upon.


  • All planned schemes for next year were summarised and formally agreed. The schemes are detailed in the table below:

o       11 - Grant to Fulford Cub/Scout Group for increased cycle storage at Fulford Scout Hall

o       05 - Tree fund to plant trees in Heslington and Fulford

o       03 – Grant to Fulford Parish Council to improve the men’s toilets at Fulford Village Hall

o       04 – Fund for strimming around trees and street furniture instead of spraying on Main Street, Heslington

o       07 – Grant to York Rotters to encourage children to learn about  composting through ‘Compost – The Mini Musical.’

o       01 – Grant to install new benches in Heslington and Fulford

o       10 – Provision of a plastic recycling bank in Heslington to serve the residents of Holmefield

o       02 - Grant to Fulford Parish Council to fund the production of a Fulford Village Design Statement

o       08- Provision of up to 50 free home compost bins across the ward committee area


o       13 – Put out and maintain 3 salt bins at Glen Close, Fulfordgate and Delwood


o       20 – Grant for Active York to provide expert help and support to young athletes in Fulford and Heslington

o       25 – Grant to older Citizens Advocacy York to provide advocacy services to residents in the area

o       17 – Grant to Fulford Youth Centre for new equipment and specialist activities for young people

o       15 – Grant to Street Sports York for a range of outdoor sporting activity sessions for young people

o       24 – Grant to Citizens Advice Bureau and York Credit Union to set up outreach sessions in the ward

o       23 – Community chest fund to enable the ward committee to address any issues that arise throughout the year.



Action: Budget agreed


Suggestions for capital slippage

  • The councilors informed the Ward Committee that funding has

been allocated as previously agreed from last year's budget to youth schemes at Lord Deramore's School and Fulford Youth Centre to install a new kitchen.


  • Any more questions? Budget adjustments are on sheets.

Q. Any extra space for new suggestions?

  • The budget is fully committed.  Needs to be spent by April.


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