Agenda item

Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Panel’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 13 March 2009 at 5.00pm.


It was reported that there had been 7 registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Bryn Bircher spoke as a resident of Fulford and as a cyclist in relation to Agenda item 9 (A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update) in respect of the proposals in Annex 4 between Heslington Lane and Broadway. He stated that his partner worked from home as acupuncturist and the proposals for the road adjacent to their property meant that they would lose the parking adjacent to their property. He stated that this would have a huge impact upon her business and probably result in them having to move. He requested the Panel to support deferral of a decision in respect of Annex 4 to enable further consideration to be given to this matter.


Ian Moore spoke in relation to Agenda item 8 (Review of Night Time Rank Provision). He circulated a sheet detailing the reasons why he opposed the recommendation to keep the Duncombe Place taxi rank closed from 10pm to 7.30am. He stated that this rank was the best lit and safest with CCTV and requested that it be reopened to a 24 hr rank. He indicated that the suggested position of alternative ranks meant that journeys to Clifton, Huntington, Haxby and Strensall would be longer.


Graham Phillips spoke as the Secretary of York Taxi Association in relation to Agenda item 8 (Review of Night Time Rank Provision). He reminded Members that following complaints a number of years ago, of nuisance and anti social behaviour in the Duncombe Place area, a number or improvements had been made. He stated that he understood that there had been no corroborative evidence or Police complaints since 2007 in respect of this area. He therefore requested the Panel to restore the Duncombe Place rank back to 24 hr operation.


Susan Wade Weeks, the prospective Parliamentary Candidate for York Central, spoke on behalf of the Micklegate Traders in relation to Agenda item 15 (Micklegate Traders “A” Boards Petition). She stated that if the Panel approved a ban on “A” board display this could result in a 30 to 50% drop in profits for the Micklegate traders, which would make a big difference in the present economic climate. She pointed out that the trader’s required flexible, practical help from the authority with clear guidelines on when and where “A” boards were acceptable.


Kevin Jones spoke in support of the petition, as a Micklegate Trader (Brigantes) in relation to Agenda item 15 (Micklegate Traders “A” Boards Petition). He pointed out that his business was run within a strict framework of standards and laws and that he only sought a common sense approach, on the use of “A” boards, with operational guidelines to dispel any uncertainty in the city.


Cllr Fraser, spoke as Local Member, in relation to Agenda item 15 (Micklegate Traders “A” Boards Petition). He spoke against the recommended option put forward in the report to confirm the existing practise of treating this signage as unauthorised obstructions continuing as he felt this soft approach left traders with uncertainty. He felt that the existing practise left Officers open to allegations of impartiality and favouritism and was often inconsistent in its operation. He asked Members to support the preparation of guidelines to ensure that the Council’s policy was open, transparent and consistent and one, which gave greater certainty to traders.


Mr Healey spoke in relation to Agenda item 16 (Haxby Rail Station Update IV) he referred to the Campaign for Local Transport, which had been set up in 2003 and campaigned for the reopening of stations around York. He suggested that, to reduce costs,  Haxby Station could be of prefabricated construction.  He went on to question the details of Option 2. He referred to the TransPennine hourly service, which they felt, required improvement and he suggested holding discussions with Northern Rail regarding the extension of the Blackpool service as well as other extensions to the Harrogate/Selby services. He also referred to the need for discussions with partners in respect of a transport interchange to include First York, as it was essential to cut down car journeys and give community benefit.


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