Agenda item

2009/10 Local Improvement Scheme Decisions

An opportunity for you to tell us what you think, before the final decisions are made at this meeting on how to spend the 2009/10 ward committee budget.


Cllr Merrett introduced the new schemes for the 09/10 budget to be formally agreed.


  • He commented that some categories were made broader in order to include schemes which were voted for positively but ended up with fewer votes. Some schemes had been squeezed to allow at least some funding for important schemes like St. Clements Hall which had fallen below the cut off line in terms of votes cast against money available.
  • The scheme concerning geese culling will only be considered after other alternatives have been considered and within the context of the wider review of options to be undertaken, bearing in mind the legal constraints. They are consulting with Dave Meigh to come up with the most appropriate solution which will be reported back to the ward committee.


  • Q: A resident suggested that making the grass unsavoury with some kind of chemical might discourage the geese.


  • A: This is one of the options that the councillors intend to look into.


  • The point was made that this is a city wide issue, and this scheme will just be a contribution to how we can develop a city wide strategy.


  • The budget for this year is based on the last financial year, and is roughly £35,000.  This is contingent on the council approving the ward committee budget.
  • Everyone agreed to the proposed schemes as detailed below and the councillors formally endorsed the decisions.


Agreed schemes:



Ambition 1: Increased Recycling


Fun to increase recycling opportunities in the ward


Ambition 2: An Enhanced Environment


Improve the riverside walkway - clean up old leaves and refurbish the platforms looking out onto the river



Funding for 2 litter bins, including 3 years emptying costs.



Fund to support Micklegate planning panel



Cull the geese population in Rowntree Park to reduce the level of goose droppings (subject to research)


Ambition 3: Young People And Community Life


Grant to Club SC at Southlands to provide youth club facilities for two evenings per weeks for age 12+



Grant to Southlands Methodist Shell Group to provide  two activity sessions for 7-14 year olds every week



Grant to Active York to provide financial, coaching, academic and expert support to young athletes resident in the Micklegate ward



Commission York Playspace to provide 10 play sessions in various locations throughout the ward during school holidays



Grant to Older Citizens Advocacy York to fund advocacy service for Micklegate Older Residents



Ward Community Chest Fund to enable the ward committee to respond to issues that arise throughout the year



Replace and improve some of the play equipment on Scarcroft Green



Youth Fund. Could be used to fund Rowntree Skate Park lessons and Street Sport York sessions.



Grant to St Clements Preservation Trust to employ a part-time centre manager before the public opening of the hall to generate business


Ambition 4: Community Safety


Street lighting survey of the ward to identify the streets requiring new or improved street lighting



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