Agenda item

Proposed Park and Ride

Learn about the plans for a new Park & Ride in the area and provide feedback on which of the suggested sites you would prefer.


3.         Park and Ride proposals


            Damon Copperthwaite (Assistant Director, Development and Transport, City Strategy) spoke to proposals for extending York Park and Ride. 


The following points were noted:

3.1  A  bid has been submitted for funding to increase the number of sites from five to seven, including three new sites, one of which is to replace Askham Bar.  The two additional sites are at Poppleton and Clifton Moor, near the Wigginton Road roundabout.


            3.2  There are four potential locations for the Clifton Moor site, as shown on the map displayed at the meeting.  The council are seeking views on the location.  It will be a 500 space car park, operating as the existing Park and Ride sites, with a 10 minute bus service.  The aim is to try to ensure that the buses are at capacity in both directions.  Consequently, a location near Clifton Moor is an advantage.


            3.3  The anticipated timescale is to identify a preferred site in Spring 2009, let a contract in Summer and for the new Park and Ride site to be operational during financial year 2011/12.  There will be formal consultation with residents in the immediate vicinity of the site and a questionnaire released in the next month to six weeks.


            Residents had the following questions:


a)     What about the future development of the ring road?  Is it to be widened?         


Response was that the bid by City of York Council for funding had been unsuccessful.  The roundabout on the A59 is to be improved.  The impact of the Park and Ride on the ring road will be part of the assessment: all four possible locations have advantages and disadvantages.


b)     Is a new Park and Ride necessary and viable?  


Response was affirmative.  Park and Ride has been very successful for York.  This site will be very important and beneficial for access to York Hospital.


c)      Has impact on ring road been taken into account?  Rawcliffe Bar is not at capacity.


Response was that Park and Ride sites have to be close to people who need to use them.  More sites will reduce traffic on the ring road and lead to optimum use.


d)  Will major alterations be required to Wigginton Road?  It is narrow at the turn off to the riding school.  Why not locate Park and Ride further out?


Response was that will be drawing traffic off Wigginton Road, not adding to it.  It would be more expensive to locate further out.  Also, return journeys would be reduced and they are an important contributory factor to success.


e)      What is the catchment area for this Park and Ride?


Response was Haxby and North Yorkshire generally.


f)        What professional advice has the council taken?


Response was investigation work and advice, including a transport and traffic model for the city that allows projections to be made.  Land ownership and archaeology had been checked and consultation undertaken with the bus company, as well as work on the logistics of getting the buses into the city centre.  All will be taken into account before the city council makes a decision


g)     Wouldn’t a good bus service overcome most of the traffic problem?


Response was that it is a commercial service operated by First and such a service would not be economically viable.  City Council can attempt to influence, that’s all.


h)      Is there any obligation to consult with the police?


Response was that Hugh Shanks, the Architectural Liaison Officer for North Yorkshire Police has been consulted.  All York Park and Rides have achieved gold standard.


i)        Has another site been considered?


Response was do not want to have drivers taking additional journeys.


j)        There is a bottleneck from the Nestle factory into town which cannot be rectified.  What about a rail station for Haxby?


Response was that one has been approved for by 2011.


k)      what about the regional funding bid?


Response was that the total cost will be around £26m.  There are two stages: the scheme has passed the first (with Yorkshire Forward, the Regional Assembly Development agency) though no money is attached.  The next stage (to the Department for Transport) bid will be submitted by the end of February 2009 and the outcome will be known by September ’09.     


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