Agenda item

Proposed University Campus Lying Between Field Lane, Common Lane, A64 Trunk Road and Hull Road, York (08/02573/REMM)

Reserved matters application for the erection of an academic building with associated access, cycle parking, and landscaping (Law and Management Building) following previous approval of outline application 04/01700/OUT. [Heslington Ward]


Consideration was given to a major reserved matters application, submitted by the University of York for a Law and Management academic building with associated access, cycle parking and landscaping following the previous approval of outline application 04/01700/OUT.


Officers updated on the report and made the following points:


  • A 3D visualisation booklet in relation to the Law and Management and Hub Buildings, displaying both aerial and camera views of the buildings was circulated at the meeting:
  • Recommended the addition of Condition HT1 to any approval to limit the height of the building;
  • The applicant had requested the removal of details of the University Transit System in proposed Condition 10 (iii). Officers confirmed that these details were part of the sustainable Travel Plan for the University and they recommended that this condition should be retained;
  • The applicant had also requested the removal of proposed Condition 12 relating to the method of piling. Officers recommended that this Condition should be retained to protect the aquifer;


Representations in support of the application were received from the Consultants. She confirmed that the Law and Management Building was one of the central buildings within Cluster 1 of the new campus at Heslington East. She referred to proposed Condition 11 of the Officers report, which required details of foul and surface water drainage works being provided within 1 month of commencement of development. She stated that this level of detail was normally left to the contractor and that the condition had not been imposed on earlier approvals for the University. She also questioned the need for proposed Condition 10 (iii) relating to the University Transit System and bus stop as she felt that this was already covered in the University’s Travel Plan. 


Officers confirmed that although they understood that drainage works were at an advanced stage they still wished to secure these works by condition.


Members then questioned the following aspects of the scheme:

·        Refuse and separation of waste details;

·        Disabled parking arrangements;

·        BREEAM rating of the building;

·        Felt opportunity missed for inclusion of different types of renewables;


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the following additional condition:


Notwithstanding the information contained on the approved plans, the height of the approved development shall not exceed 25.649m above ordnance datum. Before any works commence on the site, a means of identifying ordnance datum on the site shall be agreed in writing, and any works required on site to identify that level accurately during the construction works shall be implemented prior to any disturbance of the existing ground level. Any such physical works or marker shall be retained at all times during the construction period.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the principle of the use, scale and appearance of the building, landscaping, transport, sustainability, drainage and constructional impact.  As such the proposal complies with Policies GP4a, GP9, GP15A, NE7, ED9 and T4 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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