Agenda item

Heslington Conservation Area Appraisal: Consultation Draft

This report requests that a draft appraisal of the Heslington Conservation Area is approved for public consultation.


Members considered a report, which set out the draft appraisal of the Heslington Conservation Area for approval for public consultation, including a list of consultees and a map of the consultation area. A copy of the leaflet, which summarised the appraisal findings and invited local residents to submit their views was circulated at the meeting.


Officers reminded Members that following approval of the planning application for the expansion of the university campus, by the Secretary of State, it had been perceived that the expansion might bring additional pressures to bear on the conservation area. In order to assist in protecting the special character and appearance of the area it was decided that a conservation area appraisal should be commissioned. This had been produced by a firm of independent conservation consultants to a brief produced by the City of York Council.


In answer to Members comments Officers confirmed that Conservation Areas had a legal status and that there were constraints on the wording to be used when compiling appraisals.


The Local Member requested that the proposed leaflet drop be extended to Common Lane/Langwith Lane, south of the village, which Officers confirmed would be undertaken. 1.


Members congratulated Officers on the interesting well put together document and considered the following options whilst making a number of points, which they felt, would strengthen the document.

1 – approve the draft document for consultation purposes and to approve the method and range of consultation

2 – amend the draft document and/or change the method and range of the consultation process

3 – do not approve the draft document for consultation


RESOLVED:   (i) That subject to inclusion of the following points approval be given to the draft Heslington Village Conservation Area Appraisal, as proposed in Annex A, for use as a consultation document and approval given to the public consultation method proposed:


·        Acknowledge the planning approvals already given in relation to Heslington East and how they will affect the area;

·        Amplification of the references to the soft landscaping areas at the southern end of the village as significant areas in their own right;

·        Inclusion of additional information in relation to Heslington Hall and its context to Heslington East;

·        Amendment of Annex B to refer to Yorkshire Water rather than ‘Waterways’ and the inclusion of other Utilities in the Consultee List; 2.

(ii)That the Assistant Director (Planning and Sustainable Development) in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair be delegated authority to agree the final wording of the appraisal. 3.


REASON: (i) The document has been prepared in accordance with current guidance from English Heritage. It has adopted a rigorous approach to the assessment of the Heslington Conservation Area and as a consultation document it is clearly written and capable of being amended where required

 (ii) The boundary review has been carried out in accordance with the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and it has adopted relevant criteria a set out in PPG 15 and also as described in the latest guidance documents from English Heritage

    (iii) The proposed consultation process would be based on previous practice.

Supporting documents:


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