Agenda item

Royal Dragon, 16 Barbican Road, York, YO10 5AA. (08/02081/FULM)

A major full application for the erection of 3 storey detached building comprising 10no. flats and 2no. maisonettes (3x1 bed, 4x2 bed, 5x3 bed) on existing pay and display car park at rear of Royal Dragon Hotel. Demolition of north wing of existing single storey extension and rear single storey extension at the Royal Dragon Hotel to create new access from Barbican Road. [Site Visit] [Fishergate Ward]


Members considered a major full application for the erection of a 3 storey detached building comprising of 10 no. flats and 2 no. maisonettes on existing pay and display car park at the rear of Royal Dragon Hotel. Demolition of the north wing of the existing single storey extension and rear single storey extension at the Royal Dragon Hotel to create new access from Barbican Road.


Officers updated with the following additional information:


  • An additional letter of objection had been received from a resident of Barbican Mews objecting on numerous points, including the close proximity of the development to their property, concern at possible noise and inconvenience during building works, the scale of the development, loss of privacy, possible overdevelopment and road safety.
  • Drainage proposals for the development had been agreed since the officers report was drafted and are as follows: (i) Drainage proposals are satisfactory but a specific condition to deal with outstanding information is required. This would replace the informative attached to condition 21 on pages 32 and 33 of the agenda. (ii) An informative has been added to reflect that Surface Water Drainage details should include details of the surface water attenuation system and the porous car park paving.
  • Archaeology conditions ARCH1 and ARCH2 need to be added on recommendation of the Council’s Archaeologist.


Representations in support of the application were heard from the applicants agent who stated that the scale of the proposed buildings would be no higher than neighbouring properties and that the surface water would be a 30 percent reduction on the current status.


Members expressed concern over the reduction in parking spaces, highway safety  and overdevelopment in the area. Members also raised concerns regarding the provision of affordable housing and queried if an informative could be added.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and subject to the following additional informative.1


                                    Informative 7 – The applicant/developer is reminded that in the event of any future proposal to convert the Royal Dragon restaurant to residential use, the Councils affordable housing criteria will be applied to the entire site, including the development hereby approved . This currently stands at 50% of the total number of units, where this exceeds 15. This is in order to avoid a situation where the affordable housing criteria are not exceeded through the artificial separation of development sites.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


-         principle of the proposal

-         visual amenity and impact on the conservation area

-         residential amenity

-         housing mix

-         parking and highway safety

-         environmental protection

-         flood risk and drainage

-         sustainability

-         planning out crime


As such the proposal complies with Planning Policy Statement no.1 “delivering Sustainable Development”, Planning Policy no.3 “Housing”, Planning Policy Guidance no.15 “Planning and the Historic Environment”, Regional Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and the Humber (2008) and Policies SP10, SP6, GP1, GP3, GP4a, GP4b, GP9, GP15, HE2, T4, T16, H3c, H4a, H5a, ED4, L1c, C6, SP3 and SP8 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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