Agenda item

Report of Executive Leader and Executive Recommendations

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader on the work of the Executive, and the Executive recommendations for approval, as set out below:









23 December 2008



Minute 145 – Corporate Efficiency Programme and Update on Specific Efficiency Reviews


Minute 146 – Web Casting of Council Meetings


Minute 148 – Urgent Business: Granting a Loan to an Outside Body – York Credit Union



A written report was received from the Leader, Cllr Andrew Waller, on the work of the Executive.


In commenting on the Leader’s written report, Cllrs Scott and Gillies both expressed their thanks to Terry Collins, the outgoing Director of Neighbourhood Services, on behalf of themselves and their respective Groups, and asked that this be recorded.


Members then considered the minutes requiring confirmation from the Executive meeting held on 23 December 2008, as set out below.


Minute 146 - Web Casting of Council Meetings


Cllr Waller moved, and Cllr Runciman seconded, the following recommendation contained in Minute 146 of the Executive minutes:


“That, should Council wish to proceed with this option, then the funding for the capital works be taken from the Council’s reserves and that any ongoing funding requirements should represent a growth bid against the 2009/10 revenue budget.”


Cllr Scott then moved, and Cllr Alexander seconded, an amendment to the above recommendation, as follows:


“In line 1, delete the words ‘should Council wish’ and replace with ‘Council wishes’.  After the word ‘option’, delete the words ‘then the’ and replace with ‘and agrees that’.  After the words ‘funding requirements’, delete the words ‘should represent’ and replace with ‘are submitted as’.”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


The original recommendation was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendation contained in Minute 146 of the minutes of the Executive meeting held on 23 December 2008 be approved.1


Minute 148 - Granting a Loan to an Outside Body (York Credit Union)


Cllr Steve Galloway moved, and Cllr Moore seconded, the following recommendations contained in Minute 148 of the Executive minutes:


“(i)      That a loan not exceeding £100,000 - if possible structured so that the first £52,000 is a preferential loan with the remainder to be classified as a subordinated loan - be made to the York Credit Union to enable them to provide loans to their members during the present difficult economic situation. The loan interest to be calculated at the current rate being obtained by the Council on its other investments.2


(ii)               That Council seek the agreement of the Credit Union to the appointment of a member of staff from the Council’s Resources department to its Executive Board, in order to allow the Council to maintain a check on the financial position of the Credit Union, or by


Following a debate on the recommendations, and questions as to the intended purpose of recommendation (ii) above, Cllr Steve Galloway sought leave to alter that recommendation to read as follows:


“That Council maintain a check on the financial position of the York Credit Union by such means as are acceptable to the Director of Resources.” 2


Council having agreed to that alteration, the altered recommendations were then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations contained in Minute 148 of the minutes of the Executive meeting held on 23 December 2008 be approved, subject to the alteration agreed to Recommendation (ii), as recorded above. 2


Minute 145 – Corporate Efficiency Programme & Efficiency Reviews


Cllr Steve Galloway moved, and Cllr Runciman seconded, the recommendations contained in Minute 145 of the Executive minutes, with regard to taking forward the reviews in the Corporate Efficiency Programme and transferring funds for those reviews to the Efficiency Reserve.


On being put to the vote, the recommendations were declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations contained in Minute 145 of the minutes of the Executive meeting held on 23 December 2008 be approved. 3

Supporting documents:


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