Agenda item

UK Youth Parliament

This report provides supplementary information to that received by members at the previous meeting of the Young Peoples Working Group on the level of support that would be required if York was to resume membership of UK Youth Parliament.


Members considered a report which provided supplementary information to that received by Members at the previous meeting of the Young Peoples Working Group, on the level of support that would be required if York was to resume membership of UK Youth Parliament (UKYP).


UKYP was launched in July 1999 as an independent national charity which works closely with the Government. According to UKYP, 90% of all LEAs in England are currently participating, meaning York is included in only 10% who do not participate. There are currently over 500 Members of the Youth Parliament (MYPs). York is allocated 1 MYP place and a number of Deputies can also be nominated. UKYP is for young people aged 11 to 18 years and enables them to be involved at a national and local level with the democratic process and to become involved with issues of concern.


Mr. Joe Armer who had registered to speak on this item under the Public Participation Scheme, spoke in support of York joining UKYP. UKYP had been brought to his attention through the media and he was disappointed when he found York was no longer a member. He would like to see York involved in the future and felt UKYP was something young people in York would be interested in.


As requested from the previous meeting, Members heard a presentation from 3 young people who are currently involved in UKYP in Leeds, Sheffield and Barnsley. They advised members on the benefits of a City being involved in UKYP, such as:


  • Enables young people to work in conjunction with the local council to bring a fresh perspective on issues concerning the community.


  • Provides young people with a way in which to be heard.


  • Can break down barriers between the young and the wider community.


  • Can tackle local issues which are important to young people.


  • Promotes self confidence and personal development in the individuals involved.


In Leeds the MYP has worked on behalf of 9 separate issues and advised that a potential MYP for York would need to be prepared for a large workload. He stated that although it can be hard work it is rewarding. The role can attract media interest and the Sheffield representative outlined a scenario where the MYP for Sheffield met with the editor of the local newspaper. In Barnsley, the MYP had been involved with the tackling of graffiti and the creation of a skate park. The young people advised that the UKYP also has an effect nationally and that the recent Government announcement detailing plans to make sex and relationship education compulsory in schools was a result of a UKYP campaign.


Members queried the costs involved in running UKYP, such as the provision of a Youth Worker to work alongside the elected young person and travel expenses but said that in general the information they had received had provided them with an insight into how York could benefit from being involved in the UKYP. Members were advised that some funding is provided by UKYP for expenses and that due to York’s location, it would be likely that travel expenses would be minimal.


Youth Workers in attendance at the meeting advised that while York does have several Youth Groups in existence, it could be useful for York to have the UKYP in operation as a centralised means for these groups to channel their ideas and share information with each other.


The Chair also allowed Councillor James Alexander to speak on this item who was in attendance as the Children and Young Peoples Champion. He reiterated the views of the Youth Workers and agreed that York would benefit from being a UKYP member.


RESOLVED:             (i)That the options outlined in the report be noted by Members.


REASON:                  To give due attention to whether City of York should support the UKYP or not.



(ii)That the Executive be advised of the views of the working group, to the effect that Members were impressed at the potential benefits of supporting the UKYP and hoped ways could be found to overcome the funding and other resource issues.


(iii) That an officer report be brought forward to the appropriate EMAP detailing the issues debated at this meeting.1


(iv) That the YPWG Committee meet with Officers for a further informal discussion on this item prior to the issue being brought to EMAP.2



REASON:                  To support the Executive in making an informed decision on future involvement with UKYP.

Supporting documents:


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