Agenda item
5.30pm Main Meeting
5.30pm Welcome and Minutes
5.35pm York Review of Fire Cover
Presented by Alan Bell with an opportunity for your questions to be answered
6.00pm NHS Foundation Trust
Find out about the trusts, plans, services and new developments
6.30pm Local Improvement Schemes
Find out more about the local improvement schemes put forward for 2009/10 ward committee funding
6.55pm Have Your Say
Your opportunity for you to discuss concerns on local issues affecting you within the ward
3.1. 5:30pm – Welcome and minutes
Cllr. Tina Funnell welcomed everybody to the meeting.
The minutes from the April and July meetings were agreed.
3.2. 5:35pm – York Review of Fire Cover
Alan Bell from the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service gave an update on the progress of the Fire and Rescue review taking place in the city:
3.2.1 There are currently 3 stations in the city, at Huntington, Acomb and York City Centre.
3.2.2 Requirements for the South East of the city are being reviewed, including the areas of Hull Road, the University and the A1079.
3.2.3 The first stage of the consultation ended in September and there was a poor public response, so more public opinion is needed in this second stage.
3.2.4 The public can give their views by logging onto the website to view the options and then email their ideas, or contact Clifford Street station directly.
3.2.5 The five proposals within the review are:
§ Rebuild Clifford Street station within constraints, including relocating the technical fire safety department
§ Relocate the technical fire safety department and community safety department to make more room at Clifford Street station
§ Make the station at Clifford Street smaller, with only one fire engine and water rescue and build another city centre station with one fire engine and an aerial ladder platform (possibly on Hull Road)
§ Move the aerial ladder platform to the Huntington station
§ Upgrade the Huntington station
3.2.6 The current preferred option is option 3 as this is good for the university, as well as there still being a station in the city centre.
3.2.7 The public’s views are required by November.
3.3. 5:45pm – Local Improvement Schemes
This was an opportunity for residents to find out more about the local improvement schemes put forward for the 2009/2010 ward committee funding.
3.3.1 Support was given for the following schemes:
o No. 2 – CCTV at East Parade / Costcutter. This will help to increase security in the area.
o No. 4 – Friends of St. Nicholas Fields.
o No. 9 – York Rotters
o No. 13 – installation of swings in Glen Gardens
o No. 19 – Global York
o No. 21 – York Citizen’s Advice Bureau and York Credit Union
o No. 24 – Active York
3.3.2 Cllr. Ruth Potter declared an interest in scheme no. 27 (Bell Farm Adventure Playground)
3.3.3 Cllr. Tina Funnell declared an interest in scheme no. 25 (Glen Kids Allotment group)
3.4. 6:00pm – Have Your Say
This was an opportunity to discuss local issues and concerns within the ward:
3.4.1 The 2 new Police Constable’s for the area introduced themselves – PC Andy Thompson and PC Kathyrn Wright.
3.4.2 Any ideas for the spending of Estate Improvement Grant money should be submitted to Tanghall Residents Association by January.
3.4.3 The next Tanghall Residents Association meeting is on Tuesday 11th November, 7:30pm at Tanghall Community Centre.
3.5. 6:10pm – NHS Foundation Trust
Patrick Crowley (Chief Executive of the NHS Foundation Trust) spoke about what the Trust has been doing and where it hopes to go in the future, encouraging residents of the ward to become members.
3.5.1 The NHS Foundation Trust has just completed it’s first 18 months and is now looking to the public to give more guidance as to what the organisation should focus on in the future.
3.5.2 One of the main objectives of the Trust is to focus on the patient, including their safety and general experience when in hospital.
3.5.3 The Trust hopes to bring the hospital up to modern standards.
3.5.4 One of the main priorities highlighted by the NHS Foundation Trust is to increase bed numbers, which they hope to achieve by December.
3.5.5 Other priorities include making the hospital environment safe, improve staffing and reduce waiting times.
3.5.6 The building of the car park that is to help with the Wigginton Road traffic problems, should soon be underway.
3.5.7 The main aim of the Trust is to improve communication with the public and engage with the community, as well as working with the Primary Care Trust and City of York Council to best effect.
Issues raised by residents were:
a) How much are members involved in the decision making of hospital improvements?
The response was that they are hoping to develop their involvement more. Governors are yet to function at their full level. There is a lot of emphasis now on responsibility to the community.