Agenda item

Thriving City - Report Back

This report follows on from the report on York’s economic position presented to the Executive on 15 July 2008.  It presents the findings of consultation with stakeholders and asks the Executive to consider options on further action and areas of investment.


RESOLVED:(i) That detailed project plans be presented to the Executive at their meeting on 4 November 2008 for each of the following:


                        a) Match funding of the £50,000 provided by Norwich Union to establish an enterprise fund to support new business start ups;


b)                 In principle support for enterprise training within schools to be developed with NYBEP and Young Enterprise up to £10,000;


                        c) Support to sustain the activities of the City Centre Partnership up to £20,000;


d)                 Investment of an additional £3,500 for production of an updated ‘York on a Budget’ booklet, with the booklet to be approved by the Economic Development Unit;


e)                 Investment of £9,800 to provide three Credit Union community saving points in those communities most in need;


(ii)That further updates be received on York’s economic climate and assessment of the effectiveness of actions initiated as a result of the report;


                        (iii) That the following be dealt with as part of the Council’s annual review of grant applications:


a)                 Investment of £26,500 for the recruitment of an additional CAB advice worker to accelerate the implementation of the Gateway client handling and referral system;


b)Investment of £20,000 (£4,500 already identified) for the recruitment of a person to initiate and co-ordinate the York smartcard scheme and consideration of the implications for sustainability of funding after year one.


REASON:                  To respond to the impact of the changing economic situation.


[See also under Part B Minutes]


Members considered a report which provided a follow up to an earlier report on York’s economic position, presented to Executive on 15 July 2008.  It set out the findings of consultation with stakeholders and asked Members to consider options on further action and areas of investment.


Consultation had been carried out with organisations including, among others, the Citizens Advice Bureau, York Credit Union, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as relevant Officers within the Council.  Generally speaking, York’s economy was continuing to perform well.  However some sectors, such as the construction industry, had suffered from the effects of the ‘credit crunch’ and there was a need to ensure that York’s citizens were properly supported in the context of changing economic circumstances.  At the first meeting of the Business Forum, held on 8 October, a significant consensus had been highlighted around the priorities for York’s development.  Ideas discussed included promoting the city ‘offer’ and refreshing the York ‘brand’ as a great place to work, invest in and visit.


Options for further action were set out in paragraphs 99 and 100 of the report.  They included investment to:

  • Help establish an enterprise fund for new business start ups (£50K)
  • Support enterprise training within schools (£10k)
  • Sustain the activities of the City Centre Partnership (£20k)
  • Produce an updated ‘York on a Budget’ booklet (£3.5k)
  • Provide three Credit Union community saving points (£9.8k)
  • Recruit an additional CAB advice worker (£26.5k)
  • Recruit someone to initiate and co-ordinate a smartcard scheme (£20k)

as well as the following strategic policy action:

  • Formation of a cross-directorate anti-poverty and financial inclusion working group
  • Enhanced economic planning through the ward committee function
  • Pilot work to ensure better links between housing estate management services and benefits / financial inclusion work

and work to:

  • Engage with partnerships to discuss the issues outlined in the report
  • Explore (via Senior Managers Group / CLG sessions) how the Council can better link with citizens and businesses
  • Support the proposal of the Business Forum to promote the York brand and City offer.


Members asked officers to investigate how the Council could engage with lenders who were taking an overly aggressive approach to repossessions of property, often for relatively small amounts of money.  They also suggested that detailed risk management information should be included with future reports, rather than just the benchmarking information provided.


Members thanked officers for their work producing the report.


Having noted the comments of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED:(i) That detailed project plans be presented to the Executive at their meeting on 4 November 2008 for each of the following:1


                        a) Match funding of the £50,000 provided by Norwich Union to establish an enterprise fund to support new business start ups;


b)                 In principle support for enterprise training within schools to be developed with NYBEP and Young Enterprise up to £10,000;


c)Support to sustain the activities of the City Centre Partnership up to £20,000;


d)                 Investment of an additional £3,500 for production of an updated ‘York on a Budget’ booklet, with the booklet to be approved by the Economic Development Unit;


e)                 Investment of £9,800 to provide three Credit Union community saving points in those communities most in need;


                        (ii) That further updates be received on York’s economic climate and assessment of the effectiveness of actions initiated as a result of the report;2


                        (iii) That the following be dealt with as part of the Council’s annual review of grant applications:3


a)                 Investment of £26,500 for the recruitment of an additional CAB advice worker to accelerate the implementation of the Gateway client handling and referral system;


b)Investment of £20,000 (£4,500 already identified) for the recruitment of a person to initiate and co-ordinate the York smartcard scheme and consideration of the implications for sustainability of funding after year one.


REASON:                  To respond to the impact of the changing economic situation.

Supporting documents:


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