Agenda item

Proposed University Campus Lying Between Field Lane, Common Lane, A64 Trunk Road and Hull Road, York (08/01136/REMM)

Reserved matters application for the landscaping of the western part of the site including reprofiling of ground levels, creation of lake planting and construction of weirs, footpaths and cycleways following outline application 04/01700/OUT for development of a university campus [Heslington Ward].


Consideration was given to a major reserved matters application (13 weeks), submitted by the University of York, for the landscaping of the western part of the site including re-profiling of ground levels creation of lake planting and construction of weirs, footpaths and cycleways following outline application 04/01700/OUT for the development of a university campus.


Officers referred to the following updates, which had been circulated to Members at the meeting:

  • Plan of buffer zone landscaping scheme;
  • Revised draft conditions for the scheme;
  • Email from the Crime Reduction Manager, Safer York Partnership expressing concerns relating to the proposed cycle route which were supported by the Architectural Liaison Officer, University security staff, North Yorkshire Police and the Student Union;
  • Email from York Natural Environment Panel/York Natural Environment Trust expressing concern that only general information was available for this reserved matters application; with very little detail which they felt would not achieve optimum results for wildlife. They requested the Committee to note their objections and to defer consideration of the application pending receipt of all information on the scheme.


Officers referred to the latest revised landscaping drawing, circulated at the meeting, and confirmed that the only changes appeared to be the addition of further trees and one of the woodland areas had been set back to accommodate a water easement.


Representations in objection to the proposals were received from a local resident and member of the University who stated that he felt insufficient was being done to protect wildlife on the site. He felt that these major landscaping works should be undertaken between October and January so as not to affect breeding birds and wildlife on site. He referred to wildlife injuries at the present University Lake caused by fishing lines and hooks and requested that a fishing ban be imposed over the whole University site.


Representations in support of the proposal were received from the applicant’s agent who confirmed that the application related to the first phase of landscaping over 30 hectares with this being the first lake. It was proposed to carry out the works over the school holidays so that any noisy operations did not affect pupils at Lord Deramore’s School adjacent to the site. He stated that they were in the process of providing details of their drainage proposals; regarding the comments of the Natural Environment Panel he confirmed that some points were covered in the scheme and that they would endeavour to alleviate others. He requested Members to support the proposals as this work required completion this year to coincide with the planting season and before the new campus opened.


It was reported that University security staff, the Safer York Partnership, Students Union and the Architectural Liaison Officer had raised concerns regarding a number of issues relating to the cycle route proposed through the site. The issues included potential offenders ability to commit crimes, anti social behaviour and the lack of natural surveillance.


Officers and the Chair expressed concern at the objections by the University to their own scheme at this late stage when details of the scheme had been available for some time.


Members made the following points:

·        the effect the scheme could have on Germany Beck;

·        whether the application could be approved subject to a Section 73 application to separately cover the cycle track element of the scheme;

·        provision of a wildlife watching brief to protect breeding birds;

·        paragraph 4.33 regarding sustainability, confirmed that Officers were in discussions with the University and that the proposed masterplan would cover these issues;

·        concern at the separation of the landscaping proposals from the built environment and possible missed opportunities for ground source heat pumps etc.


In answer to Members questions, Officers confirmed that an engineering drawing had been received in relation to landscaping but that this did not cover the ecological detail, which would be important for wildlife.

Officers also confirmed that the management plan for the site would cover the no fishing rule on the campus and protect nesting birds.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to inclusion in the Management Plan of a no fishing rule and protection for nesting birds, together with the imposition of the following conditions:


1.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved plans numbered DD110317.L.200/A, L.201/E, L.202/A, P.203/B, L.204/A, L.205/A, L.206/A, L.207/A, L.208, P.209/A, L.211/B, P.213/A,     & P.215/A, and 70072/160/A, 161 (for section identification only), 161/A, 105,  163/01, 163/02, 163/03, 163/04, 163/05, 163/06, 163/07, 163/08, 163/09, 164 & 167 or any plans or details subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority as an amendment to the approved plans. 


2.Within one month of commencement of development full details of the landscape proposals at a scale of 1:500 showing levels, hard and soft materials, planting, drainage layout, walls, external lighting, seating, gates and any other fixed artifacts, shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


3. Within one month of commencement of development large scale details of the items listed below shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details:

a.      Weirs

b.      Informal path/boardwalk

c.    Wall(s) in the vicinity of the western access to the   site

d.      Boundary walls/fencing

e.      Street furniture

f.       Drainage ditches


 4. Prior to first occupation of the new Goodricke College, details of the recreational cycleway/footpath between the main access into the campus from Deramore Drive and Field Lane at Heslington village shall be submitted, approved, implemented and the cycleway/footpath made available for use to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.


5. Within one month of the start of construction the developer shall provide detailed information to demonstrate that the discharge from the proposed Western Lake and drainage system, both during construction and thereafter, is no greater than existing.  The information shall be verified independently and at the applicant’s expense, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the internal drainage board.


6. No surface water from the allocated area shall discharge into the Western Lake without the prior written approval of the local planning authority in consultation with the internal drainage board.


7. No development approved by this permission shall begin until a scheme for the provision and implementation of the method of working and restoration and maintenance has been approved by and implemented to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the internal drainage board.


8. A strip of land 9 metres wide adjacent to the top of both banks of all watercourses on site shall be kept clear of all new buildings and structures (including gates, walls, fences and trees) unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the internal drainage board. Ground levels shall not be raised within this area. 


9. No development, including building, filling, tree planting or any other permanent obstruction, shall be located over or within 6 metres measured from either outside edge of pipe forming a culverted watercourse across the site.


10.            The temporary outfall structure shown on the approved plans shall be provided with an additional trash screen consisting of 10mm bars @ 50mm centres, along with provision for access for clearing debris.


11.            The lining of the lake shall not be completed until detailed designs of the lake margins and bed profile have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council.

These profiles shall be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Council.


12.            No excavation shall take place within the area shown hatched on the attached plan (marked up extract of DD110317.L.200 RevA) until details of all the earthworks have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


13.             No development that is likely to affect or disturb any breeding birds shall take place between the months of February and August inclusive unless and until the area has been checked by a competent person to ascertain the presence of any nests. Any nest discovered shall be marked and avoided until such time as it becomes unoccupied.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to design, sustainability, visual impact, public amenity, landscaping, drainage, bio-diversity movement and provision of a new campus at Heslington East.  The application therefore complies with Policies GP1, GP4a, GP9, GP15a, NE7 and ED9 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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