Agenda item

7.00pm Question & Answer Session


Cllr Sandy Fraser welcomed everybody to the meeting and introduced the panel of cllrs and Grantside representatives. Cllr Dave Merrett gave an outline of the specific measures proposed in the Traffic Management Plan as written above under Point 2 with the additional comment that:


·        Grantside Ltd will provide a shuttle bus service that runs from the Askham Bar Park & Ride site to the Terry’s development site and on to the train station.


Cllr Fraser informed the meeting that Cllr John Galvin would be unable to comment either way on the application as he is a member of the relevant Planning Committee and this would compromise his position. Members of Dringhouses & Woodthorpe Ward Committee had also been invited but had declined the invitation.


Residents were then given the opportunity to ask questions:


Q. Could any of the new traffic lights be part-time, i.e. only in use during peak times?

A. This could be considered during the process. (Grantside)


Q. What are the implications for Bishopthorpe village?

A. The Traffic Management Plan is designed to make it easier for traffic to travel along Tadcaster Road, rather than go down Sim Balk Lane. The traffic along Tadcaster Road should be free flowing. (Grantside)

A. The Traffic Management Plan is based on traffic projected to 2010 and is designed to cope with additional traffic from the former York College site development. (Grantside)


Q. Concern was expressed that the traffic management proposals would have the opposite effect along Tadcaster Road. Is the data used for the Plan based on historical data?

A. Historical data has not been used. Current data has been used to give a baseline position now and the calculations are based on the baseline position and theoretical data for the effect of the current planning uses in the future using the National Planning Calculation. (Grantside)


Q. When the Traffic Management Plan information becomes available for public scrutiny, will there still be time for residents to comment on the application.

A. This is unlikely as the application is due to be considered by committee on 24th July. (Cllr Fraser) [Note: subsequently deferred for a month].


Q. Concern was expressed that Grantside did not appear to know where particular locations are during  the earlier question and answer session. As this development is being done to make a profit, what will the cost be to local tax payers for road improvements?

A. This question cannot be answered as it would involve referring to a lot of technical financial information. (Cllr Galvin)

A. City of York Council fund highway improvement measures through the Local Transport Plan which attracts central government funding so there would not be any direct local tax cost. (Cllr Merrett)


Q. How will pedestrians living in the Mount Vale area be able to cross Tadcaster Road?

A. Traffic islands will be installed. (Grantside)


Q. What will the widening of Mount Vale entail?

A. One tree would have to be removed but parking conditions will remain the same. (Grantside)


Q. What is the scale of employment on site and public transportation?

A. We cannot be certain yet but there will be 2,000 to 2,500 employees on site and probably 2 shuttle buses will be provided but this is subject to further discussion (Grantside)


Q. With so many homes and over 2000 jobs created, where will the traffic flow to? There should be a commitment to other modes of transport other than the car. What investment will there be in the No. 11 bus service?

A. After discussion with City of York Council and meeting First York, it was agreed that the most sustainable bus service would be a shuttle service, rather than investing in the No. 11 service. One or two buses will be provided and Grantside have employed a Travel Plan Co-ordinator to ensure this work takes place and runs smoothly. (Grantside)


Q. The bottom of Bishopthorpe Road and the junction with Scarcroft Road is always busy and congested. More options should be available to residents to use public transport.


Q. Concern was raised that residents living on Trentholme Drive (North of Knavesmire Road / Tadcaster Road junction) will be unable to get out into Mount Vale and travel North. It can take up to five minutes to get out at present. Will any new measures, e.g. signage, or keep clear arrangements, be used to ease this problem?

A. The overall aim of the Traffic Management Plan is to allow traffic to flow better along Tadcaster Road right up to the Moor Lane Roundabout so this problem should be eased. (Grantside)


Q. Concern was expressed that the traffic on Church Lane in Bishopthorpe is already terrible and the area has to cope with having a doctors surgery and a school plus the added traffic burden on race days.


Q. The traffic management solution should focus away from the city centre. An additional junction on the A64 would alleviate many of the traffic problems associated with this development as well as make race days much more palatable. City of York Council should ‘grasp the nettle’ despite this option being more costly as the benefits would be far greater.

A. The Highways Agency are responsible for works on the A64 and they have already looked at this in the past and dismissed it as a possibility for a number of reasons, one of which is that they do not believe the ring road should have another junction so close to two others. (Cllr Galvin)


Q. City of York Council needs to look at the whole issue on a long term basis and limit further development until traffic problems have been solved.

A. The Traffic Management Plan has been looked at with council officers and it will benefit other areas of the city, not just the immediate area. (Grantside)


Q. The display is not very informative. The closure of the Tadcaster Road bus lane northbound appears to remove the cycle lanes.

Q. Tadcaster Road is a conservation area but the Conservation Advisory Panel has not been consulted on the Traffic Management Plan. Have any other groups been consulted apart from Highways?


A. Cllrs understood that the Traffic Management Plan would be available at this meeting. (Cllr Merrett)

A. Grantside said that this message had not been relayed to them, however, they had brought the entire planning application to the meeting and all were welcome to view it. (Grantside)


Q. There is a great deal of concern that the widening of Bishopthorpe Road near the junction with Campleshon Road will result in parking availability being removed from the residents living there.


Q. What commitment will Grantside have to the shuttle bus over time?

A. Grantside will be legally obliged to provide the service over a time period yet to be agreed as part of the Section 106 Agreement associated with this planning application. The service charge that is paid over time will eventually be absorbed by the estate management company at the site. (Grantside)


Cllr Fraser concluded the meeting by thanking everybody for attending.


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