Agenda item

The Minster, St Peters Cathedral, Minster Yard, York, YO1 7HH (08/00849/FUL)

Remodelling of steps to South Transept to form disabled ramp and new steps, remodelling of carriageway to form paved area at the South Transept and Minster gates, external alterations to 7 and 9 Minster Gates to form shop and ticket office [Guildhall Ward] [Site Visit].


Members considered a full application, submitted by the Dean and Chapter of York, for the remodelling of steps to the South Transept to form a disabled ramp and new steps, remodelling of the carriageway to form a paved area at the South Transept and Minster gates, and external alterations to 7 and 9 Minster Gates to form a shop and ticket office.


Officers confirmed that no comments had been received from the York Access Group, the Cyclist Touring Club and the York Civic Trust.


Representations were received requesting improved delineation of the cycle routes, and in support of the application, from the project director for the Minster Piazza Scheme.  Copies of Cycling England’s Design Guidance for Vehicle Restricted Areas were circulated to Members.


Members highlighted the need to engage with the York Access Group to ensure that the surfacing was appropriate for partially sighted people, particularly in terms of the distinction between pedestrian and cycle areas.  Officers advised that this would be covered by condition 5 and Members also proposed that condition 8 should be amended to make specific reference to engaging with the York Access Group.  Members highlighted the need for the surface markings to indicate shared pedestrian and cycle areas to minimise conflict between users.


Members also requested that the provision of cycle parking be included in condition 4.


RESOLVED:             That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director (Planning & Sustainable Development), in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair, to approve the application, subject to the conditions listed in the report, with the following amendments and additions:1


                                    Amended Condition 4


Notwithstanding the submitted information and the terms of Condition 2 above, large scale details/ additional information of the items listed below shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development and the works shall be carried out and retained in accordance with the approved details.


a)  Constructional design and siting of cast iron bollards at the junction of Minster Gates with Minster Yard, using existing bollards

b)  Siting of existing and proposed street furniture

c)  Details of surface water drainage including general layout, and specific details at each of the outlet locations. 

d)  Street lighting details including the re-siting of gas lighting columns and the provision of new lighting and services to the ramps and steps

e) Large scale details of the entire stepped and ramped area showing the relationship of the new material to the existing fabric, on a stone- by- stone basis

f)  Samples of new materials to be used in the formation of the steps, ramp and all paved areas

g)  Pavement layout of Phase 1 and Phase 2 in Minster Yard, following agreement of sample areas set out on site

h)  Final level positions of new surfaces

i)  The alignment of the carriageway

j)  Location and details of access covers in the paved area

k)  Large scale details of any modifications .if required to the piers and railings defining the east end of the Piazza 

l)  Large scale details of any new handrails

m) Cycle parking


Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority is satisfied with the details in the interests of amenity, acceptable drainage and highway safety.


                                    Amended Condition 8


Prior to the commencement of any works on site, a detailed method of works statement to include a full 3 stage road safety audit carried out with advice set out in the DMRB HD19/03 and guidance issued by the Council in consultation with the York Access Group, will be required for the highway layout and all off-site works requiring alteration, stage 1 of which must be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to works commencing on site. This statement shall include the precautions to be taken to ensure that the safety of the general public, the method of securing the site, access to the site and the route to be taken by vehicles transporting the demolition and construction material, and the hours during which demolition, construction and deliveries to and from the site which will be permitted.


Reason: To minimise the road safety risks associated with the changes imposed by the development and to ensure that the works are carried out in a safe manner and with minimum disruption to users of the public highway and adjacent occupants.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to-


- the visual amenity and character of the host building, adjacent listed buildings, and the wider conservation area

- archaeological remains

- flood risk

- highway and pedestrian safety


As such, the proposal complies with Policies HE2, HE4, HE10, T2a and  GP11 of the City of York Draft Local Plan- Incorporating the Proposed 4th Set of Changes; and national planning guidance contained in Planning Policy Statement 1 "Delivering Sustainable Development", Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 "Transport", Planning Policy Guidance Note No. 15 " Planning and the Historic Environment" and Planning Policy Guidance Note 16 " Archaeology and Planning".

Supporting documents:


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