Agenda item

Stray Garth Community Home, 7 Stray Garth, York YO31 1EL (08/00764/FUL)

Erection of 4 no. four bedroomed pitched roof dwellings with attached pitched roof garages and associated access (resubmission) [Heworth Without Ward].


Members considered a full application, submitted by Lovel Cooper (South Yorkshire) Ltd, for the erection of 4 no. four bedroomed pitched roof dwellings with attached pitched roof garages and associated access (resubmission).


Officers updated that:

·        Highways Network Management had now confirmed that they had no objections to the proposal subject to the imposition of a number of standard conditions;

·        An additional two letters of objection had been received bringing the total to 10 letters;

·        The reference in the report at 1.1b to none of the properties having obscure glazed windows was incorrect, as it appeared that Plot 4 had still retained this glazing. This would also be a ground for recommending refusal of the application although the applicant had confirmed that he would be happy to amend the application to remove the glazing;

·        There was also a need to include the previous reasons for refusal with the amendment of the final reason to include reference to the obscure glazing to Plot 4, which would allow for unacceptable overlooking of the garden of 14 Meadow Way.


In answer to questions, Officers confirmed that the height, scale and number of properties was unchanged from the original application. The only minor changes related to the siting of the garages on Plots 1 to 4, Plot 1 had been relocated closer to 15 Meadow Way and the obscure glazing had been removed from all but one property. To increase light in the second floor bedrooms an additional roof light had been added.


Representations, in objection to the application, were made by a neighbour on behalf of local residents. He confirmed that he understood that there were now 11 objections in writing to the new scheme although their objections were the same as those raised to the previous scheme. He stated that the objectors felt that the height and density of the development would be overbearing, oppressive and overshadow adjacent gardens. The four brick windows were considered out of character and no alterations had been made to the basic design of the properties. It was felt that the development would impact on the character of the area and neighbouring amenities. He therefore supported refusal of the application.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:    1.The Council consider that by virtue of the height of the proposed dwellings and their close proximity to adjoining homes and gardens the development would appear unduly dominant and overbearing and this would detract from neighbours' living conditions resulting in an unacceptable loss of their amenity. As such the proposal conflicts with policy GP1 (in particular criterion b and i) of the City of York Draft Local Plan  (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005 and Central Government advice relating to design quality and context contained within Planning Policy Statement 1 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and Planning Policy Statement 3 (Housing).


      2. The density, height and layout of the proposed development together with the loss of existing boundary trees and the cramped environment for vehicle movements results in an unacceptable overdevelopment of the site.  The development is not considered to acceptably relate to that of surrounding housing and would have a negative impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding environment and therefore conflicts with Policies GP1 (criterion a), H4a (criterion c and d) and H5a of the City of York Draft Local Plan (fourth set of changes) 2005 and Central Government advice relating to design quality and context contained within PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and PPS3 (Housing).


                    3.             To prevent unacceptable levels of overlooking into neighbouring properties the Council consider that the second floor bedroom windows in the front elevation of plots 2,3 and 4 would need to be bricked up. The proposed inclusion of velux roof lights in the rooms with no traditional windows would create an unsatisfactory living environment for occupiers of these rooms resulting in an unacceptable standard of residential accommodation and amenity. As such this would not comply with Central Government advice relating to design quality contained within PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and PPS3 (Housing)


               4.               The proposed second floor front window in unit 4 would create unacceptable overlooking of the garden of 14 Meadow Way.  As such the proposal conflicts with policy GP1 (in particular criterion i) of the City of York Draft Local Plan  (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005 and Central Government advice relating to design quality and context contained within PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Developments) and PPS3 (Housing).

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