Agenda item

Community Sports Stadium Options and Implications

This briefing report provides the following details:


(i)         The background and need for the change of location for the York City Football Club.


(ii)        All options, including sites that have been identified as potential relocation sites, identifying clearly those which currently are under consideration, those which have been rejected together with the reasons why, and additional sites that may be considered suitable.


(iii)            Details of all meetings within the past 12 months between Officers and/or Council Members representing the Council with the Football Club and any other interested parties, including summaries and the purpose of those meetings.   


(iv)            Details of the implications of moving to a Community Stadium, including the current location of the Rugby Club and other sporting activities currently taking place at the Huntington Stadium.


(v)        The financial implications to the City of York Council in relation to each and every option that it considered feasible to be pursued.


Members considered a briefing report which provided the following details:


(i)         The background and need for the change of location for the York City Football Club.

(ii)        All options, including sites that have been identified as potential relocation sites, identifying clearly those which currently are under consideration, those which have been rejected together with the reasons why, and additional sites that may be considered suitable.

(iii)            Details of all meetings within the past 12 months between Officers and/or Council Members representing the Council with the Football Club and any other interested parties, including summaries and the purpose of those meetings.   

 (iv)            Details of the implications of moving to a Community Stadium, including the current location of the Rugby Club and other sporting activities currently taking place at the Huntington Stadium.

  (v)      The financial implications to the City of York Council in relation to each and every option that it considered feasible to be pursued.


The briefing report was tabled at the meeting. As part of round table discussions, the committee were addressed by Jason McGill - Chairman of York City Football Club, Roger Dixon – Chairman of York City Knights Rugby Club, Rob McGill – Director of York City Football Club, Sophie McGill – Director of York City Football Club, Frank Ormston from York City Football Supporters Club - York Minstermen, Gary Hall from York City Knights Rugby Supporters Club, and Mike Palfrey from York City Football Supporters Club – Yorvik Reds. It was requested that a statement of commitment from all political parties should be issued saying they were in support of a community stadium.


The report author reported that they were trying to bring together a set of options that all partners – council, clubs and landowners - were capable of signing up to. Unfortunately not all partners had signed up yet.


Board members held a wide ranging discussion covering a number of issues including the location of the new stadium, the need for a community stadium and the facilities that could be provided,  and financing the new stadium.


The Chair reported that they were grateful to those who had come to the meeting, were impressed by the passion and commitment shown and were heartened by the openness of the clubs and the clear desire to work together. The Shadow Executive recognised the value of sport and sporting activities to the citizens of York. The revised Community Strategy included an aim to be an active and participative city. York was a city of national and European importance, and that it was nothing short of a disgrace that the stadium was not fit for purpose and sporting organisations were clinging on for financial viability. The Shadow Executive supported a Community Stadium but naturally had to be sure of the security of the finances for the clubs, their supporters, citizens and council tax payers. There was a need to ensure the facilities of any new club were sufficient and the locations was appropriate for all parties. There was also a need to support the clubs and work within the community and more should be done to support those activities by buying services.


The Shadow Executive asked the Council and Executive to act with all urgency to promote a Community Stadium.


RESOLVED:             That the contents of the report be noted.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member.

Supporting documents:


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