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Economy, Place, Access and Transport Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Economy, Place, Access and Transport Scrutiny Committee.

Information about Economy, Place, Access and Transport Scrutiny Committee

This Committee is responsible for monitoring the performance of the following service areas through regular performance monitoring reports:


·       10 year economic strategy, economic growth & inward investment


·       10 year transport strategy


·       Local Transport Plan development


·       Accessibility in public areas including City Centre Access Strategy


·       Parking services including digital ResPark


·       Highways


·       Planning & development services


·       Regeneration & asset / property management


·       Public realm


·       Waste services


·       Fleet


·       Public protection (trading standards, Environmental Health, food safety licensing


·       Client management: Make it York, GLL m


·       Client Management: YorWaste


·       Emergency planning, flood risk


·       Monitor emissions impacts across the city


·       Consider MCA Joint Committee decisions as related to this Committee


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