Browse meetings

Planning Committee A

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee A.

Information about Planning Committee A

Role of Planning Committee A


The role of Planning Committee A is to consider and determine

applications for planning permission and other related consents,

arising under the Town and Country Planning Act and

associated legislation as set out in Part A of Schedule 1 of the

Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities)(England)

Regulations 2000 as amended, which have not been delegated

to Planning Committee B or to Officers.


Function of Planning Committee A


To approve or refuse, other than applications and other related

consents that constitute repeat or variations involving minor

modifications or non-material amendments applications for

planning permission and other related consents under the

appropriate legislation in accordance with the following criteria :


Outline planning applications for:


a)   i. residential development on sites over 1.0

hectare in area, and;

ii. non-residential development on sites over 1.5

hectares in area.

iii. 40 dwellings or more.


b)  Full detailed, or reserved matters applications for:

i. residential development (including

conversions/changes of use) of 40 dwellings

or more, and;

ii. non-residential development, including

extensions and changes of use, of over 3,000

square metres gross floor space.


c) Any application or proposal which in the opinion of

the Director Environment, Transport and Planning

raises significant strategic or policy issues for the city.


d) Changes of Use of land of 5.0 hectares or more.


e) Any application that the Corporate Director Place or

the Director Environment, Transport and Planning

considers should be presented to the Planning

Committee for decision.


To determine any non-residential or domestic application for

which there is a policy presumption against development in the

Green Belt if a Ward Councillor for the site of the application

requests that it should be the subject of consideration by the

Planning Committee. The request to bring an application to the

Planning Committee must be made in writing to the Corporate

Director Place or the Director Environment, Transport and

Planning within the consultation or reconsultation period and

include the planning reason(s) for the request.


To enter into, renew, modify or revoke agreements and

undertakings under Section 106 of the Town and Country

Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in respect of proposed

developments which fall within the scope of Planning Committee

A to determine unless in the opinion of the Corporate Director

Place or the Director Environment, Transport and Planning it is a

minor modification.


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